path: root/ubi-utils/scripts/bin2nand2bin_test.sh
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2008-01-15ubi-utils: bin2nand, nand2bin add support of different ecc layoutsFrank Haverkamp
Both tools were lacking support of alternate ECC layouts. Only our intitial format was supported. With this change, it should be very easy to add more layouts in addtion to the already supported ones, which are: IBM (our format), and the MTD default layout. NAND OOB sizes of 512 and 2048 are currently supported. In contrast to the old version of bin2nand, the holes inbetween the ECC data is now not filled with 0x00 anymore but instead 0xff (like deleted flash) is used. This should not cause any difference. The testcase reflects the different layouts too. Signed-off-by: Frank Haverkamp <haver@vnet.ibm.com>
2007-11-24ubi-utils: nand2bin had ECC calculation problemsFrank Haverkamp
Fixed a problem when ECC was checked. The correction was not properly done by subpage. Added more output for the moment to be able to figure out more potential problems. Added testcase: bin2nand2bin.sh and biterror inject program inject_biterror.pl Interface o ECC correction disabled by default. Switch to turn it explicitly on. The user must specify what he wants to be done. Signed-off-by: Frank Haverkamp <haver@vnet.ibm.com>