path: root/ubi-utils/scripts
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ubi-utils/scripts')
14 files changed, 0 insertions, 1728 deletions
diff --git a/ubi-utils/scripts/Makefile b/ubi-utils/scripts/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index ebd9bc6..0000000
--- a/ubi-utils/scripts/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-# Makefile
-# Testcase for UBI pfi update.
-# Author: Frank Haverkamp <haverkam@de.ibm.com>
-card = test
-mkpfi_cfg = test.cfg
-# Some default values you might want to overwrite. Try it if you need
-# it and add more if needed. Note that no real sanity checking is done
-# on those values. If you do it wrong your card has no valid PDD data.
-PATH := $(PATH):/opt/ppc/usr/bin:../perl:..
-dd = dd
-sed = sed
-bin2nand = bin2nand
-ubigen = ubigen
-mkpfi = mkpfi -v
-pfi2bin = pfi2bin -v
-vmlinux_bin ?= test_vmlinux.bin
-rootfs_bin ?= test_rootfs.bin
-spl_bin ?= test_u-boot.bin
-pdd_txt ?= pdd.txt
-flashtype ?= nand
-pagesize ?= 2048
-compl ?= $(card)_complete
-compl_pfi ?= $(compl).pfi
-compl_img ?= $(compl).img
-all: $(compl_pfi) $(compl_nand2048_mif)
-$(compl_pfi): $(vmlinux_bin) $(rootfs_bin) $(spl_bin)
- $(mkpfi) -c $(mkpfi_cfg)
-# Binary data and out of band data (OOB)
-$(compl_nand2048_mif): $(compl_img)
- $(bin2nand) -p $(pagesize) -o $(compl_nand2048_mif) $<
-# Binary data only
-$(compl_img): $(compl_pfi)
- $(pfi2bin) -j $(pdd_txt) -o $@ $<
-# Default data
-# If the binary data is not available in the current working directory
-# we try to create symlinks to our test data.
-$(vmlinux_bin) $(rootfs_bin) $(spl_bin):
- @echo
- @echo "No $@ found, will use defaults !"
- @echo
- @echo "OR press CTRL-C to provide your own $@" && \
- sleep 1 && \
- $(dd) if=/dev/urandom of=$@ bs=1M count=1
- $(RM) *.pfi *~
-distclean: clean
- $(RM) *.bin *.mif *.oob *.img
diff --git a/ubi-utils/scripts/README b/ubi-utils/scripts/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 899b4a1..0000000
--- a/ubi-utils/scripts/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-This procedure creates a test pfi which should be flashed to our
-system with pfiflash. The testcase should read the data back and
-compare with the original.
-We should try not forget to run these tests before we release
-a new version of UBI.
diff --git a/ubi-utils/scripts/TODO b/ubi-utils/scripts/TODO
deleted file mode 100644
index f093e77..0000000
--- a/ubi-utils/scripts/TODO
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
- * Range checking is broken, reserving 2M and offering 3M binary data
- ... works!? No!
diff --git a/ubi-utils/scripts/bin2nand2bin_test.sh b/ubi-utils/scripts/bin2nand2bin_test.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index a17c91b..0000000
--- a/ubi-utils/scripts/bin2nand2bin_test.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-# Testcase for nand2bin and bin2nand. Generate testdata and inject
-# biterrors. Convert data back and compare with original data.
-# Conversion:
-# bin -> bin2nand -> mif -> nand2bin -> img
-# Create test data
-dd if=/dev/urandom of=testblock.bin bs=131072 count=1
-echo "Test conversion without bitflips ..."
-echo -n "Convert bin to mif ... "
-bin2nand --pagesize=${pagesize} -o testblock.mif testblock.bin
-if [ $? -ne "0" ]; then
- echo "failed!"
- exit 1
- echo "ok"
-echo -n "Convert mif to bin ... "
-nand2bin --pagesize=${pagesize} -o testblock.img testblock.mif
-if [ $? -ne "0" ]; then
- echo "failed!"
- exit 1
- echo "ok"
-echo -n "Comparing data ... "
-diff testblock.bin testblock.img
-if [ $? -ne "0" ]; then
- echo "failed!"
- exit 1
- echo "ok"
-echo "Test conversion with uncorrectable ECC erors ..."
-echo -n "Inject biterror at offset $ioffs ... "
-${inject_biterror} --offset=0 --bitmask=0x81 \
- --input=testblock.mif \
- --output=testblock_bitflip.mif
-if [ $? -ne "0" ]; then
- echo "failed!"
- exit 1
- echo "ok"
-echo "Convert mif to bin ... "
-rm testblock.img
-nand2bin --correct-ecc --pagesize=${pagesize} -o testblock.img \
- testblock_bitflip.mif
-if [ $? -ne "0" ]; then
- echo "failed!"
- exit 1
- echo "ok"
-echo -n "Comparing data, must fail due to uncorrectable ECC ... "
-diff testblock.bin testblock.img
-if [ $? -ne "0" ]; then
- echo "ok" # Must fail!
- echo "failed!"
- exit 1
-echo "Test bitflips in data ... "
-for offs in `seq 0 255` ; do
- cp testblock.mif testblock_bitflip.mif
- for xoffs in 0 256 512 768 ; do
- let ioffs=$offs+$xoffs
- cp testblock_bitflip.mif testblock_bitflip_tmp.mif
- echo -n "Inject biterror at offset $ioffs ... "
- ${inject_biterror} --offset=${ioffs} --bitmask=0x01 \
- --input=testblock_bitflip_tmp.mif \
- --output=testblock_bitflip.mif
- if [ $? -ne "0" ]; then
- echo "failed!"
- exit 1
- else
- echo "ok"
- fi
- done
- echo "Convert mif to bin ... "
- rm testblock.img
- nand2bin --correct-ecc --pagesize=${pagesize} -o testblock.img \
- testblock_bitflip.mif
- if [ $? -ne "0" ]; then
- echo "failed!"
- exit 1
- else
- echo "ok"
- fi
- echo -n "Comparing data ... "
- diff testblock.bin testblock.img
- if [ $? -ne "0" ]; then
- hexdump testblock.bin > testblock.bin.txt
- hexdump testblock.img > testblock.img.txt
- echo "Use tkdiff testblock.bin.txt testblock.img.txt to compare"
- echo "failed!"
- exit 1
- else
- echo "ok"
- fi
- # Without correction
- echo "Convert mif to bin ... "
- rm testblock.img
- nand2bin --pagesize=${pagesize} -o testblock.img \
- testblock_bitflip.mif
- if [ $? -ne "0" ]; then
- echo "failed!"
- exit 1
- else
- echo "ok"
- fi
- echo -n "Comparing data must differ, correction is disabled ... "
- diff testblock.bin testblock.img
- if [ $? -ne "0" ]; then
- echo "ok" # must fail
- else
- echo "failed!"
- exit 1
- fi
-echo "Test bitflips in OOB data ... "
-for offs in `seq 0 $oobsize` ; do
- let ioffs=$pagesize+$offs
- echo -n "Inject biterror at offset $ioffs ... "
- ${inject_biterror} --offset=${ioffs} --bitmask=0x01 \
- --input=testblock.mif \
- --output=testblock_bitflip.mif
- if [ $? -ne "0" ]; then
- echo "failed!"
- exit 1
- else
- echo "ok"
- fi
- echo "Convert mif to bin ... "
- rm testblock.img
- nand2bin --correct-ecc --pagesize=${pagesize} -o testblock.img \
- testblock_bitflip.mif
- if [ $? -ne "0" ]; then
- echo "failed!"
- exit 1
- else
- echo "ok"
- fi
- echo -n "Comparing data ... "
- diff testblock.bin testblock.img
- if [ $? -ne "0" ]; then
- hexdump testblock.bin > testblock.bin.txt
- hexdump testblock.img > testblock.img.txt
- echo "Use tkdiff testblock.bin.txt testblock.img.txt to compare"
- echo "failed!"
- exit 1
- else
- echo "ok"
- fi
diff --git a/ubi-utils/scripts/inject_biterror.pl b/ubi-utils/scripts/inject_biterror.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index b4a862a..0000000
--- a/ubi-utils/scripts/inject_biterror.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# 2007 Frank Haverkamp <haver@vnet.ibm.com>
-# Program for bit-error injection. I am sure that perl experts do it
-# in 1 line. Please let me know how it is done right ;-).
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use Pod::Usage;
-my $i;
-my $help;
-my $result;
-my $offset = 0;
-my $bitmask = 0x01;
-my $in = "input.mif";
-my $out = "output.mif";
-$result = GetOptions ("offset=i" => \$offset, # numeric
- "bitmask=o" => \$bitmask, # numeric
- "input=s" => \$in, # string
- "output=s" => \$out, # string
- "help|?" => \$help) or pod2usage(2);
-pod2usage(1) if $help;
-my $buf;
-open(my $in_fh, "<", $in)
- or die "Cannot open file $in: $!";
-binmode $in_fh;
-open(my $out_fh, ">", $out) or
- die "Cannot open file $out: $!";
-binmode $out_fh;
-$i = 0;
-while (sysread($in_fh, $buf, 1)) {
- $buf = pack('C', unpack('C', $buf) ^ $bitmask) if ($i == $offset);
- syswrite($out_fh, $buf, 1) or
- die "Cannot write to offset $offset: $!";
- $i++;
-close $in_fh;
-close $out_fh;
-=head1 NAME
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-inject_biterror.pl [options]
-=head1 OPTIONS
-=over 8
-=item B<--help>
-Print a brief help message and exits.
-=item B<--offset>=I<offset>
-Byte-offset where bit-error should be injected.
-=item B<--bitmask>=I<bitmask>
-Bit-mask where to inject errors in the byte.
-=item B<--input>=I<input-file>
-Input file.
-=item B<--output>=I<output-file>
-Output file.
-B<inject_biterrors.pl> will read the given input file and inject
-biterrors at the I<offset> specified. The location of the biterrors
-are defined by the I<bitmask> parameter.
diff --git a/ubi-utils/scripts/jffs2_test.sh b/ubi-utils/scripts/jffs2_test.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 0cc9f0c..0000000
--- a/ubi-utils/scripts/jffs2_test.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-# Testcase for JFFS2 verification. We do not want to see any
-# kernel errors occuring when this is executed.
-# To have a standardized output I define the following function to be
-# used when a test was ok or when it failed.
-failed ()
- echo "FAILED"
-passed ()
- echo "PASSED"
-# Print sucess message. Consider to exit with zero as return code.
-exit_success ()
- echo "SUCCESS"
- exit 0
-# Print failure message. Consider to exit with non zero return code.
-exit_failure ()
- echo "FAILED"
- exit 1
-echo "***********************************************************************"
-echo "* jffs2 testing ... *"
-echo "***********************************************************************"
-ulimit -c unlimited
-for i in `seq 5000`; do
- echo "Testing $i byte (dd if=/dev/urandom of=foo bs=$i count=1) ... "
- dd if=/dev/urandom of=test.bin bs=$i count=1;
- if [ $? -ne "0" ] ; then
- exit_failure
- fi
- passed
- echo "Copy to different file ... "
- dd if=test.bin of=new.bin bs=$i count=1;
- if [ $? -ne "0" ] ; then
- exit_failure
- fi
- passed
- echo "Comparing files ... "
- cmp test.bin new.bin
- dd if=test.bin of=new.bin bs=$i count=1;
- if [ $? -ne "0" ] ; then
- exit_failure
- fi
- passed
-for i in `seq 5000`; do
- echo "Testing $i byte (dd if=/dev/urandom of=foo bs=$i count=1) ... "
- dd if=/dev/urandom of=foo bs=$i count=1;
- if [ $? -ne "0" ] ; then
- exit_failure
- fi
- passed
-for i in `seq 5000`; do
- echo "Testing $i byte (dd if=/dev/zero of=foo bs=$i count=1) ... "
- dd if=/dev/zero of=foo bs=$i count=1;
- if [ $? -ne "0" ] ; then
- exit_failure
- fi
- passed
-echo "***********************************************************************"
-echo "* Congratulations, no errors found! *"
-echo "* Have fun with your cool JFFS2 using system! *"
-echo "***********************************************************************"
diff --git a/ubi-utils/scripts/mkdevs.pl b/ubi-utils/scripts/mkdevs.pl
deleted file mode 100755
index f0fd464..0000000
--- a/ubi-utils/scripts/mkdevs.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# Author: Artem B. Bityutskiy <dedekind@oktetlabs.ru>
-# A small scrip which creates UBI device nodes in /dev. UBI allocates
-# major number dynamically, so the script looks at /proc/devices to find
-# out UBI's major number.
-my $proc = '/proc/devices';
-my $regexp = '(\d+) (ubi\d+)$';
-open FILE, "<", $proc or die "Cannot open $proc file: $!\n";
-my @file = <FILE>;
-close FILE;
-foreach (@file) {
- next if not m/$regexp/g;
- print "found $2\n";
- system("rm -rf /dev/$2");
- system("mknod /dev/$2 c $1 0");
- for (my $i = 0; $i < 128; $i += 1) {
- system("rm -rf /dev/$2_$i");
- my $j = $i + 1;
- system("mknod /dev/$2_$i c $1 $j");
- }
diff --git a/ubi-utils/scripts/pdd.txt b/ubi-utils/scripts/pdd.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a3ad915..0000000
--- a/ubi-utils/scripts/pdd.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-# To be personalized
-# Static for this card type
diff --git a/ubi-utils/scripts/run_all.sh b/ubi-utils/scripts/run_all.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 040bcbd..0000000
--- a/ubi-utils/scripts/run_all.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-exit_success ()
- echo "UBI Utils Test Scripts - SUCCESS!"
- exit 0
-exit_failure ()
- echo $1
- echo "UBI Utils Test Scripts - FAILED!"
- exit 1
-echo UBI Utils Test Scripts
-if test -z "$devno";
- echo "Usage is $0 <mtd device number>"
- exit 1
-cwd=`pwd` || exit_failure "pwd failed"
-cat /dev/null > $log || exit_failure "Failed to create $log"
-echo "Setting up for jffs2_test.sh" | tee -a $log
-avail=`cat /sys/class/ubi/ubi${devno}/avail_eraseblocks`
-size=`cat /sys/class/ubi/ubi${devno}/eraseblock_size`
-bytes=`expr $avail \* $size`
-ubimkvol -d$devno -s$bytes -n0 -Njtstvol || exit_failure "ubimkvol failed"
-mkdir -p /mnt/test_file_system || exit_failure "mkdir failed"
-mtd=`cat /proc/mtd | grep jtstvol | cut -d: -f1`
-if test -z "$mtd";
- exit_failure "mtd device not found"
-mount -t jffs2 $mtd /mnt/test_file_system || exit_failure "mount failed"
-cd /mnt/test_file_system || exit_failure "cd failed"
-echo Running jffs2_test.sh | tee -a $log
-jffs2_test.sh >> $log 2>&1 || exit_failure "jffs2_test.sh failed"
-rm -f *
-cd $cwd || exit_failure "cd failed"
-umount /mnt/test_file_system || exit_failure "umount failed"
-ubirmvol -d$devno -n0 || exit_failure "ubirmvol failed"
-major=`cat /sys/class/ubi/ubi${devno}/dev | cut -d: -f1`
-for minor in `seq 0 32`; do
- if test ! -e /dev/ubi${devno}_$minor ;
- then
- mknod /dev/ubi${devno}_$minor c $major $(($minor + 1))
- fi
-rm -f testdata.bin readdata.bin
-echo Running ubi_jffs2_test.sh | tee -a $log
-ubi_jffs2_test.sh >> $log 2>&1 || exit_failure "ubi_jffs2_test.sh failed"
-echo Running ubi_test.sh | tee -a $log
-ubi_test.sh >> $log 2>&1 || exit_failure "ubi_test.sh failed"
-for minor in `seq 0 32`; do
- if test -e /sys/class/ubi/ubi${devno}/$minor;
- then
- ubirmvol -d$devno -n$minor || exit_failure "ubirmvol failed"
- fi
-echo Running ubi_tools_test.sh | tee -a $log
-ubi_tools_test.sh >> $log 2>&1 || exit_failure "ubi_tools_test failed"
-rm -f $log
diff --git a/ubi-utils/scripts/test.cfg b/ubi-utils/scripts/test.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b5ec48..0000000
--- a/ubi-utils/scripts/test.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/ubi-utils/scripts/ubi_jffs2_test.sh b/ubi-utils/scripts/ubi_jffs2_test.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 883903d..0000000
--- a/ubi-utils/scripts/ubi_jffs2_test.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,411 +0,0 @@
-# UBI Volume creation/deletion/write/read and JFFS2 on top of UBI
-# testcases.
-# Written in shell language to reduce dependencies to more sophisticated
-# interpreters, which may not be available on some stupid platforms.
-# Author: Frank Haverkamp <haver@vnet.ibm.com>
-# 1.0 Initial version
-# 1.1 Added fixup for delayed device node creation by udev
-# This points to a problem in the tools, mabe in the desing
-# Tue Oct 31 14:14:54 CET 2006
-export PATH=$PATH:/bin:~/bin:/usr/local/bin:/home/dedekind/work/prj/ubi/tools/flashutils/bin/
-UBIMKVOL="ubimkvol -a $ALIGNMENT"
-# To have a standardized output I define the following function to be
-# used when a test was ok or when it failed.
-failed ()
- echo "FAILED"
-passed ()
- echo "PASSED"
-# Print sucess message. Consider to exit with zero as return code.
-exit_success ()
- echo "SUCCESS"
- exit 0
-# Print failure message. Consider to exit with non zero return code.
-exit_failure ()
- echo "FAILED"
- exit 1
-fix_sysfs_issue ()
- echo "*** Fixing the sysfs issue with the /dev nodes ... "
- minor=0
- major=`grep ubi0 /proc/devices | sed -e 's/\(.*\) ubi0/\1/'`
- rm -rf /dev/ubi0
- mknod /dev/ubi0 c $major 0
- for minor in `seq $MINVOL $MAXVOL`; do
- echo " -> mknod /dev/ubi0_$minor c $major $(($minor + 1))"
- rm -rf /dev/ubi0_$minor
- mknod /dev/ubi0_$minor c $major $(($minor + 1))
- done
- passed
-# FIXME Udev needs some time until the device nodes are created.
-# This will cause trouble if after ubimkvol an update attempt
-# is started immediately, since the device node is not yet
-# available. We should either fix the tools with inotify or
-# other ideas or figure out a different way to solve the problem
-# e.g. to use ubi0 and make the volume device nodes obsolete...
-udev_wait ()
- echo -n "FIXME Waiting for udev to create/delete device node "
- grep 2\.6\.5 /proc/version > /dev/null
- if [ $? -eq "0" ]; then
- for i in `seq 0 5`; do
- sleep 1; echo -n ".";
- done
- echo " ok"
- fi
-# delete_volume - Delete a volume. If it does not exist, do not try
-# to delete it.
-# @id: volume id
-delete_volume ()
- volume=$1
- ### FIXME broken sysfs!!!!
- if [ -e /sys/class/ubi/$volume -o \
- -e /sys/class/ubi/ubi0/$volume -o \
- -e /sys/class/ubi/ubi0_$volume ]; then
- echo "*** Truncate volume if it exists ... "
- echo " $UBIUPDATEVOL -d0 -n$volume -t"
- $UBIUPDATEVOL -d0 -n$volume -t
- if [ $? -ne "0" ] ; then
- exit_failure
- fi
- passed
- echo -n "*** Delete volume if it exists ... "
- $UBIRMVOL -d0 -n$volume
- if [ $? -ne "0" ] ; then
- exit_failure
- fi
- passed
- # udev_wait
- fi
-# writevol_test - Tests volume creation and writing data to it.
-# @volume: Volume number
-# @size: Size of random data to write
-# @type: Volume type static or dynamic
-writevol_test ()
- volume=$1
- size=$2
- type=$3
- echo "*** Write volume test with size $size"
-### Make sure that volume exist, delete existing volume, create new
- delete_volume $volume
- echo "*** Try to create volume"
- echo " $UBIMKVOL -d0 -n$volume -t$type -NNEW$volume -s $size ... "
- $UBIMKVOL -d0 -n$volume -t$type -N"NEW$volume" -s $size
- if [ $? -ne "0" ] ; then
- exit_failure
- fi
- passed
- udev_wait
-### Try to create same volume again
- echo -n "*** Try to create some volume again, this must fail ... "
- $UBIMKVOL -d0 -n$volume -t$type -N"NEW$volume" -s $size
- if [ $? -eq "0" ] ; then
- exit_failure
- fi
- passed
-### Now create test data, write it, read it, compare it
- echo -n "*** Create test data ... "
- dd if=/dev/urandom of=testdata.bin bs=$size count=1
- if [ $? -ne "0" ] ; then
- exit_failure
- fi
- passed
- echo "*** Now writing data to volume ... "
- echo " $UBIUPDATEVOL -d0 -n$volume testdata.bin"
- ls -l testdata.bin
- $UBIUPDATEVOL -d0 -n$volume testdata.bin
- if [ $? -ne "0" ] ; then
- exit_failure
- fi
- passed
- echo "*** Download data with dd bs=1 ... "
- dd if=/dev/ubi0_$volume of=readdata.bin bs=$size count=1
- if [ $? -ne "0" ] ; then
- exit_failure
- fi
- passed
- echo -n "*** Comparing data ... "
- cmp readdata.bin testdata.bin
- if [ $? -ne "0" ] ; then
- exit_failure
- fi
- passed
- echo -n "*** Now truncate volume ... "
- $UBIUPDATEVOL -d0 -n$volume -t
- if [ $? -ne "0" ] ; then
- exit_failure
- fi
- passed
-jffs2_torture ()
- cat /dev/null > TLOG
- echo "*** Torture test ... "
- for i in `seq $iterations`; do
- dd if=/dev/urandom of=test.bin bs=$i count=1 2>> $TLOG
- if [ $? -ne "0" ] ; then
- echo "Testing $i byte (dd if=/dev/urandom of=foo bs=$i count=1) ... "
- exit_failure
- fi
- #passed
- dd if=test.bin of=new.bin bs=$i count=1 2>> $TLOG
- if [ $? -ne "0" ] ; then
- echo "dd if=test.bin of=new.bin bs=$i count=1 2>> $TLOG"
- exit_failure
- fi
- #passed
- #echo "Comparing files ... "
- cmp test.bin new.bin
- dd if=test.bin of=new.bin bs=$i count=1 2>> $TLOG
- if [ $? -ne "0" ] ; then
- exit_failure
- fi
- #passed
- #echo -n "."
- done
- echo -n "step0:ok "
- for i in `seq $iterations`; do
- dd if=/dev/urandom of=foo bs=$i count=1 2>> $TLOG
- if [ $? -ne "0" ] ; then
- echo "Testing $i byte (dd if=/dev/urandom of=foo bs=$i count=1) ... "
- exit_failure
- fi
- #passed
- done
- echo -n "step1:ok "
- for i in `seq $iterations`; do
- dd if=/dev/zero of=foo bs=1 count=$i 2>> $TLOG
- if [ $? -ne "0" ] ; then
- echo "Testing $i byte (dd if=/dev/zero of=foo bs=1 count=$i) ... "
- exit_failure
- fi
- #passed
- done
- echo -n "step2:ok "
- for i in `seq $iterations`; do
- dd if=/dev/zero of=foo bs=$i count=16 2>> $TLOG
- if [ $? -ne "0" ] ; then
- echo "Testing $i byte (dd if=/dev/zero of=foo bs=$i count=1024) ... "
- exit_failure
- fi
- #passed
- done
- echo -n "step3:ok "
- passed
-# writevol_test - Tests volume creation and writing data to it.
-# @volume: Volume number
-# @size: Size of random data to write
-# @type: Volume type static or dynamic
-jffs2_test ()
- name=$1
- iterations=$2
- directory=`pwd`
- ### Setup
- ulimit -c unlimited
- echo -n "*** Create directory /mnt/$name ... "
- mkdir -p /mnt/$name
- if [ $? -ne "0" ] ; then
- exit_failure
- fi
- passed
- echo -n "*** mount -t jffs2 mtd:$name /mnt/$name ... "
- mount -t jffs2 mtd:$name /mnt/$name
- if [ $? -ne "0" ] ; then
- exit_failure
- fi
- passed
- echo -n "*** change directory ... "
- cd /mnt/$name
- if [ $? -ne "0" ] ; then
- exit_failure
- fi
- passed
- ls
- echo "*** list directory ... "
- ls -la
- if [ $? -ne "0" ] ; then
- exit_failure
- fi
- passed
- ### Torture
- echo -n "*** touch I_WAS_HERE ... "
- touch I_WAS_HERE
- if [ $? -ne "0" ] ; then
- exit_failure
- fi
- passed
- jffs2_torture
- echo "*** list directory ... "
- ls -la
- if [ $? -ne "0" ] ; then
- exit_failure
- fi
- passed
- ### Cleanup
- echo -n "*** go back ... "
- cd $directory
- if [ $? -ne "0" ] ; then
- exit_failure
- fi
- passed
- ### Still mounted, ubiupdatevol must fail!
- echo -n "*** $UBIUPDATEVOL -d0 -n$volume -t must fail! ..."
- $UBIUPDATEVOL -d0 -n$volume -t
- if [ $? -eq "0" ] ; then
- exit_failure
- fi
- passed
- echo -n "*** umount /mnt/$name ... "
- umount /mnt/$name
- if [ $? -ne "0" ] ; then
- exit_failure
- fi
- passed
- return
-echo "***********************************************************************"
-echo "* UBI JFFS2 Testing starts now ... *"
-echo "* Good luck! *"
-echo "***********************************************************************"
-# Set to zero if not running on example hardware
-grep ubi /proc/devices > /dev/null
-if [ $? -ne "0" ]; then
- echo "No UBI found in /proc/devices! I am broken!"
- exit_failure
-# Set to zero if not running on example hardware
-grep 1142 /proc/cpuinfo > /dev/null
-if [ $? -eq "0" ]; then
- echo "Running on example hardware"
- mount -o remount,rw / /
- sleep 1
- fix_sysfs_issue
- echo "Running on Artems hardware"
-for volume in `seq $MINVOL $MAXVOL`; do
- echo -n "************ VOLUME $volume NEW$volume "
- echo "******************************************"
- writevol_test $volume $SIZE_1M dynamic
- jffs2_test NEW$volume $ITERATIONS
- delete_volume $volume
-echo "***********************************************************************"
-echo "* Congratulations, no errors found! *"
-echo "* Have fun with your cool UBI system! *"
-echo "***********************************************************************"
diff --git a/ubi-utils/scripts/ubi_test.sh b/ubi-utils/scripts/ubi_test.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 73e4b19..0000000
--- a/ubi-utils/scripts/ubi_test.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,328 +0,0 @@
-# UBI Volume creation/deletion/write/read test script
-# Written in shell language to reduce dependencies to more sophisticated
-# interpreters, which may not be available on some stupid platforms.
-# Author: Frank Haverkamp <haver@vnet.ibm.com>
-# 1.0 Initial version
-# 1.1 Use ubiupdatevol instead of ubiwritevol
-export PATH=$PATH:~/bin:/usr/local/bin:/home/dedekind/work/prj/ubi/tools/flashutils/bin/
-# 128 KiB 131072
-# 256 KiB 262144
-# 512 KiB 524288
-# To have a standardized output I define the following function to be
-# used when a test was ok or when it failed.
-failed ()
- echo "FAILED"
-passed ()
- echo "PASSED"
-# Print sucess message. Consider to exit with zero as return code.
-exit_success ()
- echo "SUCCESS"
- exit 0
-# Print failure message. Consider to exit with non zero return code.
-exit_failure ()
- echo "FAILED"
- exit 1
-fix_sysfs_issue ()
- echo -n "*** Fixing the sysfs issue with the /dev nodes ... "
- minor=0
- major=`grep ubi0 /proc/devices | sed -e 's/\(.*\) ubi0/\1/'`
- rm -rf /dev/ubi0
- mknod /dev/ubi0 c $major 0
- for minor in `seq 0 $MAXVOL`; do
- ### echo " mknod /dev/ubi0_$minor c $major $(($minor + 1))"
- rm -rf /dev/ubi0_$minor
- mknod /dev/ubi0_$minor c $major $(($minor + 1))
- done
- passed
-# delete_volume - Delete a volume. If it does not exist, do not try
-# to delete it.
-# @id: volume id
-delete_volume ()
- volume=$1
- ### FIXME broken sysfs!!!!
- if [ -e /sys/class/ubi/$volume -o -e /sys/class/ubi/ubi0/$volume -o -e /sys/class/ubi/ubi0_$volume ]; then
- echo -n "*** Truncate volume if it exists ... "
- $UBIUPDATEVOL -d0 -n$volume -t
- if [ $? -ne "0" ] ; then
- exit_failure
- fi
- passed
- echo -n "*** Delete volume if it exists ... "
- $UBIRMVOL -d0 -n$volume
- if [ $? -ne "0" ] ; then
- exit_failure
- fi
- passed
- fi
-mkvol_rmvol_test ()
- type=$1
-### Test if volume delete on non-existing volumes fails nicely
- for i in `seq $MINVOL $MAXVOL`; do
- echo "*** Delete if exist or not $i ... "
- delete_volume $i
- passed
- done
-### Now deleting volumes must fail
- for i in `seq $MINVOL $MAXVOL`; do
- echo "*** Trying to delete non existing UBI Volume $i ... "
- $UBIRMVOL -d0 -n$i
- if [ $? -eq "0" ] ; then
- exit_failure
- fi
- passed
- done
-### Test if volume creation works ok
- for i in `seq $MINVOL $MAXVOL`; do
- echo "*** Creating UBI Volume $i ... "
- echo " $UBIMKVOL -d0 -n$i -t$type -NNEW$i -s $SIZE_512K"
- $UBIMKVOL -d0 -n$i -t$type -N"NEW$i" -s $SIZE_512K
- if [ $? -ne "0" ] ; then
- exit_failure
- fi
- passed
- done
-### Now deleting volumes must be ok
- for i in `seq $MINVOL $MAXVOL`; do
- echo "*** Trying to delete UBI Volume $i ... "
- $UBIRMVOL -d0 -n$i
- if [ $? -ne "0" ] ; then
- exit_failure
- fi
- passed
- done
-### Now allocate too large volume
- echo -n "*** Try to create too large volume"
- $UBIMKVOL -d0 -n$MINVOL -t$type -N"NEW$MINVOL" -s 800000000
- if [ $? -eq "0" ] ; then
- exit_failure
- fi
- passed
-# writevol_test - Tests volume creation and writing data to it.
-# @size: Size of random data to write
-# @type: Volume type static or dynamic
-writevol_test ()
- size=$1
- type=$2
- echo "*** Write volume test with size $size"
-### Make sure that volume exist, delete existing volume, create new
- delete_volume $MINVOL
- echo -n "*** Try to create volume ... "
- $UBIMKVOL -d0 -n$MINVOL -t$type -N"NEW$MINVOL" -s $SIZE_1M
- if [ $? -ne "0" ] ; then
- exit_failure
- fi
- passed
-### Try to create same volume again
- echo -n "*** Try to create some volume again, this must fail ... "
- $UBIMKVOL -d0 -n$MINVOL -t$type -N"NEW$MINVOL" -s $SIZE_1M
- if [ $? -eq "0" ] ; then
- exit_failure
- fi
- passed
-### Now create test data, write it, read it, compare it
- echo -n "*** Create test data ... "
- dd if=/dev/urandom of=testdata.bin bs=$size count=1
- if [ $? -ne "0" ] ; then
- exit_failure
- fi
- passed
- echo "*** Now writing data to volume ... "
- # sleep 5
- ls -l testdata.bin
- echo " $UBIUPDATEVOL -d0 -n$MINVOL testdata.bin"
- $UBIUPDATEVOL -d0 -n$MINVOL testdata.bin
- if [ $? -ne "0" ] ; then
- exit_failure
- fi
- passed
- if [ $type = "static" ] ; then
- echo "*** Download data with cat ... "
- cat /dev/ubi0_$MINVOL > readdata.bin
- if [ $? -ne "0" ] ; then
- exit_failure
- fi
- passed
- else
- echo "*** Download data with dd bs=1 ... "
- dd if=/dev/ubi0_$MINVOL of=readdata.bin bs=$size count=1
- if [ $? -ne "0" ] ; then
- exit_failure
- fi
- passed
- # Size 1 does not work with this test ...
- #
- #echo "*** Download data with dd bs=$size ... "
- #dd if=/dev/ubi0_$MINVOL of=readdata2.bin bs=$size count=1
- #if [ $? -ne "0" ] ; then
- # exit_failure
- #fi
- #passed
- #echo -n "*** Comparing data (1) ... "
- #cmp readdata.bin readdata2.bin
- #if [ $? -ne "0" ] ; then
- # exit_failure
- #fi
- #passed
- fi
- echo -n "*** Comparing data ... "
- cmp readdata.bin testdata.bin
- if [ $? -ne "0" ] ; then
- exit_failure
- fi
- passed
-echo "***********************************************************************"
-echo "* UBI Testing starts now ... *"
-echo "* Good luck! *"
-echo "***********************************************************************"
-# Set to zero if not running on example hardware
-grep ubi /proc/devices > /dev/null
-if [ $? -ne "0" ]; then
- echo "No UBI found in /proc/devices! I am broken!"
- exit_failure
-# Set to zero if not running on example hardware
-grep 1142 /proc/cpuinfo > /dev/null
-if [ $? -eq "0" ]; then
- echo "Running on example hardware"
- mount -o remount,rw / /
- sleep 1
- fix_sysfs_issue
- echo "Running on Artems hardware"
-echo "***********************************************************************"
-echo "* mkvol/rmvol testing for static volumes ... *"
-echo "***********************************************************************"
-mkvol_rmvol_test static
-echo "***********************************************************************"
-echo "* mkvol/rmvol testing for dynamic volumes ... *"
-echo "***********************************************************************"
-mkvol_rmvol_test dynamic
-echo "***********************************************************************"
-echo "* write to static volumes ... *"
-echo "***********************************************************************"
-# 10 Erase blocks = (128 KiB - 64 * 2) * 10
-# = 1309440 bytes
-# 128 KiB 131072
-# 256 KiB 262144
-# 512 KiB 524288
-for size in 262144 131073 131072 2048 1 4096 12800 31313 ; do
- writevol_test $size static
-echo "***********************************************************************"
-echo "* write to dynamic volumes ... *"
-echo "***********************************************************************"
-for size in 131073 131072 2048 1 4096 12800 31313 262144 ; do
- writevol_test $size dynamic
-echo "***********************************************************************"
-echo "* Congratulations, no errors found! *"
-echo "* Have fun with your cool UBI system! *"
-echo "***********************************************************************"
diff --git a/ubi-utils/scripts/ubi_tools_test.sh b/ubi-utils/scripts/ubi_tools_test.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 7f121f1..0000000
--- a/ubi-utils/scripts/ubi_tools_test.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
-# UBI Volume creation/deletion/write/read test script.
-# Uses our flash update tools and the associated toolchain for flash
-# image creation.
-# Written in shell language to reduce dependencies to more sophisticated
-# interpreters, which may not be available on some stupid platforms.
-# Author: Frank Haverkamp <haver@vnet.ibm.com>
-# 1.0 Initial version
-export PATH=$PATH:~/bin:/usr/local/bin:/home/dedekind/work/prj/ubi/tools/flashutils/bin/
-# 128 KiB 131072
-# 256 KiB 262144
-# 512 KiB 524288
-# To have a standardized output I define the following function to be
-# used when a test was ok or when it failed.
-failed ()
- echo "FAILED"
-passed ()
- echo "PASSED"
-# Print sucess message. Consider to exit with zero as return code.
-exit_success ()
- echo "SUCCESS"
- exit 0
-# Print failure message. Consider to exit with non zero return code.
-exit_failure ()
- echo "FAILED"
- exit 1
-fix_sysfs_issue ()
- echo -n "*** Fixing the sysfs issue with the /dev nodes ... "
- minor=0
- major=`grep ubi0 /proc/devices | sed -e 's/\(.*\) ubi0/\1/'`
- rm -rf /dev/ubi0
- mknod /dev/ubi0 c $major 0
- for minor in `seq 0 $MAXVOL`; do
- ### echo " mknod /dev/ubi0_$minor c $major $(($minor + 1))"
- rm -rf /dev/ubi0_$minor
- mknod /dev/ubi0_$minor c $major $(($minor + 1))
- done
- passed
-# delete_volume - Delete a volume. If it does not exist, do not try
-# to delete it.
-# @id: volume id
-delete_volume ()
- volume=$1
- ### FIXME broken sysfs!!!!
- if [ -e /sys/class/ubi/$volume -o -e /sys/class/ubi/ubi0/$volume -o -e /sys/class/ubi/ubi0_$volume ]; then
- echo -n "*** Truncate volume if it exists ... "
- $UBIWRITEVOL -d0 -n$volume -t
- if [ $? -ne "0" ] ; then
- exit_failure
- fi
- passed
- echo -n "*** Delete volume if it exists ... "
- $UBIRMVOL -d0 -n$volume
- if [ $? -ne "0" ] ; then
- exit_failure
- fi
- passed
- fi
-echo "***********************************************************************"
-echo "* UBI Tools Testing starts now ... *"
-echo "* Good luck! *"
-echo "***********************************************************************"
-# Set to zero if not running on example hardware
-grep ubi /proc/devices > /dev/null
-if [ $? -ne "0" ]; then
- echo "No UBI found in /proc/devices! I am broken!"
- exit_failure
-# Set to zero if not running on example hardware
-grep 1142 /proc/cpuinfo > /dev/null
-if [ $? -eq "0" ]; then
- echo "Running on example hardware"
- mount -o remount,rw / /
- sleep 1
- fix_sysfs_issue
- echo "Running on other hardware"
-### Test basic stuff
-pfiflash_basic ()
- echo "Calling pfiflash with test-data ... "
- echo " $PFIFLASH $test_pfi"
- $PFIFLASH $test_pfi
- if [ $? -ne "0" ]; then
- echo "Uhhh something went wrong!"
- exit_failure
- fi
- passed
- echo "Testing if data is correct 10 and 11 ... "
- $CMP /dev/ubi0_10 /dev/ubi0_11
- if [ $? -ne "0" ]; then
- echo "Mirrored volumes not equal!"
- exit_failure
- fi
- passed
- echo "Comparing against original data ... "
- $CMP /dev/ubi0_10 test_u-boot.bin
- if [ $? -ne "0" ]; then
- echo "Compared volume not equal!"
- exit_failure
- fi
- passed
- echo "Testing if data is correct 12 and 13 ... "
- $CMP /dev/ubi0_12 /dev/ubi0_13
- if [ $? -ne "0" ]; then
- echo "Mirrored volumes not equal!"
- exit_failure
- fi
- passed
- echo "Comparing against original data ... "
- $CMP /dev/ubi0_12 test_vmlinux.bin
- if [ $? -ne "0" ]; then
- echo "Compared volume not equal!"
- exit_failure
- fi
- passed
- echo "Testing if data is correct 14 and 15 ... "
- $CMP /dev/ubi0_14 /dev/ubi0_15
- if [ $? -ne "0" ]; then
- echo "Mirrored volumes not equal!"
- exit_failure
- fi
- passed
-### Test each and everything
-pfiflash_advanced ()
- if [ -e example_complete.pfi ]; then
- echo "Calling pfiflash with real data ... "
- $PFIFLASH -p overwrite --complete example_complete.pfi
- if [ $? -ne "0" ]; then
- echo "Uhhh something went wrong!"
- exit_failure
- fi
- passed
- echo "Testing if data is correct 2 and 3 ... "
- $CMP /dev/ubi0_2 /dev/ubi0_3
- if [ $? -ne "0" ]; then
- echo "Mirrored volumes not equal!"
- exit_failure
- fi
- passed
- echo "Comparing against original data ... "
- $CMP /dev/ubi0_2 u-boot.bin
- if [ $? -ne "0" ]; then
- echo "Compared volume not equal!"
- exit_failure
- fi
- passed
- echo "Testing if data is correct 6 and 7 ... "
- $CMP /dev/ubi0_6 /dev/ubi0_7
- if [ $? -ne "0" ]; then
- echo "Mirrored volumes not equal!"
- exit_failure
- fi
- passed
- echo "Comparing against original data ... "
- $CMP /dev/ubi0_6 vmlinux.bin
- if [ $? -ne "0" ]; then
- echo "Compared volume not equal!"
- exit_failure
- fi
- passed
- fi
-echo "***********************************************************************"
-echo "* Testing pfiflash ... *"
-echo "***********************************************************************"
-echo "***********************************************************************"
-echo "* Congratulations, no errors found! *"
-echo "* Have fun with your cool UBI system! *"
-echo "***********************************************************************"
diff --git a/ubi-utils/scripts/unubi_test.sh b/ubi-utils/scripts/unubi_test.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 40dc2e2..0000000
--- a/ubi-utils/scripts/unubi_test.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-# Use raw NAND data, extract UBI image and apply tool to it.
-# Test basic functionality.
-# 2007 Frank Haverkamp <haver@vnet.ibm.com>
-# general arguments e.g. debug enablement
-# unubi_args="-D"
-echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
-echo "Testcase: ${0} Version: ${version}"
-echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
-echo "Testing nand2bin ..."
-echo " Input: ${image}"
-echo " Data: ${data}"
-echo " OOB: ${oob}"
-echo " Pagesize: ${pagesize}"
-nand2bin --pagesize ${pagesize} -o ${data} -O ${oob} ${image}
-echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
-echo "Testing unubi ..."
-echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
-unubi --version
-echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
-echo "Trying to extract first ${volmax} volumes ..."
-echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
-mkdir -p ${datadir}/volumes
-for v in `seq 0 ${volmax}` ; do
- unubi ${unubi_args} -r${v} -d${datadir}/volumes ${data}
- echo -n "."
-echo "ok"
-ls -l ${datadir}/volumes
-echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
-echo "Extracting graphics ..."
-echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
-unubi -a -d${datadir} ${data}
-echo "Use gnuplot to display:"
-ls ${datadir}/*.plot
-ls ${datadir}/*.data
-echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
-echo "eb-split"
-echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
-unubi -e -d${datadir}/eb-split ${data}
-ls -l ${datadir}/eb-split
-echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
-echo "vol-split"
-echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
-unubi -v -d${datadir}/vol-split ${data}
-ls -l ${datadir}/vol-split
-echo "The generated images contain only the data (126KiB in our "
-echo "case) not including the UBI erase count and volume info "
-echo "header. For dynamic volumes the data should be the full "
-echo "126KiB. Unubi cannot know how much of the data is valid. "
-echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
-echo "!vol-split"
-echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
-unubi -V -d${datadir}/vol-split! ${data}
-ls -l ${datadir}/vol-split\!
-echo "The generated images contain the full block data of 128KiB "
-echo "including the UBI erase count and volume information header."
-echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
-echo "Extracting volume info table ..."
-echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
-unubi -i -d${datadir} ${data}
-echo "I strongly hope that empty ubi blocks are filled with 0xff! "
-echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
-echo "Table 0"
-echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
-cat ${datadir}/vol_info_table0
-echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
-echo "Table 1"
-echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
-cat ${datadir}/vol_info_table1