# About This place is primarily intended to host [free software](https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html) projects. The name "infraroot" is a German/English word play. _Infrarot_ being the German word for _infra red_, with _rot_ meaning _red_ and also being spelled similar to _root_. It can also pass as a Dutch word play (_infrarood_) and possibly other languages as well. Infraroot is not a company or other kind of entity and currently run just by myself, David Oberhollenzer, as a private individual. Infraroot is also not a cult and doesn't have any bullshit philosophy. For any actual business inquiries relating to software hosted here, please contact [Sigma Star Gmbh](https://sigma-star.at/). There is currently no real content for this main page yet, but the domain and web server are already used for hosting some projects. There already is an official [infraroot Git server](https://git.infraroot.at/) running on a sub domain. Also, feel free to browse the [pub directory](https://infraroot.at/pub/) for software releases and other interesting things.