/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later */ #include "meta_writer.h" #include "mksquashfs.h" #include "util.h" #include <assert.h> #include <endian.h> static size_t hard_link_count(tree_node_t *n) { size_t count; if (S_ISDIR(n->mode)) { count = 2; for (n = n->data.dir->children; n != NULL; n = n->next) ++count; return count; } return 1; } static int write_dir(meta_writer_t *dm, dir_info_t *dir) { sqfs_dir_header_t hdr; sqfs_dir_entry_t ent; tree_node_t *c, *d; size_t i, count; c = dir->children; dir->size = 0; dir->start_block = dm->block_offset; dir->block_offset = dm->offset; while (c != NULL) { count = 0; for (d = c; d != NULL; d = d->next) { if ((d->inode_ref >> 16) != (c->inode_ref >> 16)) break; if ((d->inode_num - c->inode_num) > 0xFFFF) break; count += 1; } if (count > SQFS_MAX_DIR_ENT) count = SQFS_MAX_DIR_ENT; hdr.count = htole32(count - 1); hdr.start_block = htole32(c->inode_ref >> 16); hdr.inode_number = htole32(c->inode_num); dir->size += sizeof(hdr); if (meta_writer_append(dm, &hdr, sizeof(hdr))) return -1; d = c; for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { ent.offset = htole16(c->inode_ref & 0x0000FFFF); ent.inode_number = htole16(c->inode_num - d->inode_num); ent.type = htole16(c->type); ent.size = htole16(strlen(c->name) - 1); dir->size += sizeof(ent) + strlen(c->name); if (meta_writer_append(dm, &ent, sizeof(ent))) return -1; if (meta_writer_append(dm, c->name, strlen(c->name))) return -1; c = c->next; } } return 0; } static int write_inode(sqfs_info_t *info, meta_writer_t *im, meta_writer_t *dm, tree_node_t *node) { uint16_t uid_idx, gid_idx; file_info_t *fi = NULL; dir_info_t *di = NULL; sqfs_inode_t base; uint32_t bs; uint64_t i; if (id_table_id_to_index(&info->idtbl, node->uid, &uid_idx)) return -1; if (id_table_id_to_index(&info->idtbl, node->gid, &gid_idx)) return -1; node->inode_ref = (im->block_offset << 16) | im->offset; node->inode_num = info->inode_counter++; info->super.inode_count += 1; switch (node->mode & S_IFMT) { case S_IFSOCK: node->type = SQFS_INODE_SOCKET; break; case S_IFIFO: node->type = SQFS_INODE_FIFO; break; case S_IFLNK: node->type = SQFS_INODE_SLINK; break; case S_IFBLK: node->type = SQFS_INODE_BDEV; break; case S_IFCHR: node->type = SQFS_INODE_CDEV; break; case S_IFDIR: di = node->data.dir; node->type = SQFS_INODE_DIR; if (write_dir(dm, di)) return -1; if ((di->start_block) > 0xFFFFFFFFUL || di->size > 0xFFFF) { node->type = SQFS_INODE_EXT_DIR; } break; case S_IFREG: fi = node->data.file; node->type = SQFS_INODE_FILE; if (fi->startblock > 0xFFFFFFFFUL || fi->size > 0xFFFFFFFFUL || hard_link_count(node) > 1) { node->type = SQFS_INODE_EXT_FILE; } break; default: assert(0); } base.type = htole16(node->type); base.mode = htole16(node->mode); base.uid_idx = htole16(uid_idx); base.gid_idx = htole16(gid_idx); base.mod_time = htole32(info->opt.def_mtime); base.inode_number = htole32(node->inode_num); if (meta_writer_append(im, &base, sizeof(base))) return -1; switch (node->type) { case SQFS_INODE_FIFO: case SQFS_INODE_SOCKET: { sqfs_inode_ipc_t ipc = { .nlink = hard_link_count(node), }; return meta_writer_append(im, &ipc, sizeof(ipc)); } case SQFS_INODE_SLINK: { sqfs_inode_slink_t slink = { .nlink = htole32(hard_link_count(node)), .target_size = htole32(strlen(node->data.slink_target)), }; if (meta_writer_append(im, &slink, sizeof(slink))) return -1; if (meta_writer_append(im, node->data.slink_target, le32toh(slink.target_size))) { return -1; } break; } case SQFS_INODE_BDEV: case SQFS_INODE_CDEV: { sqfs_inode_dev_t dev = { .nlink = htole32(hard_link_count(node)), .devno = htole32(node->data.devno), }; return meta_writer_append(im, &dev, sizeof(dev)); } case SQFS_INODE_EXT_FILE: { sqfs_inode_file_ext_t ext = { .blocks_start = htole64(fi->startblock), .file_size = htole64(fi->size), .sparse = htole64(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUL), .nlink = htole32(hard_link_count(node)), .fragment_idx = htole32(fi->fragment), .fragment_offset = htole32(fi->fragment_offset), .xattr_idx = htole32(0xFFFFFFFF), }; if (meta_writer_append(im, &ext, sizeof(ext))) return -1; goto out_file_blocks; } case SQFS_INODE_FILE: { sqfs_inode_file_t reg = { .blocks_start = htole32(fi->startblock), .fragment_index = htole32(fi->fragment), .fragment_offset = htole32(fi->fragment_offset), .file_size = htole32(fi->size), }; if (meta_writer_append(im, ®, sizeof(reg))) return -1; goto out_file_blocks; } case SQFS_INODE_DIR: { sqfs_inode_dir_t dir = { .start_block = htole32(node->data.dir->start_block), .nlink = htole32(hard_link_count(node)), .size = htole16(node->data.dir->size), .offset = htole16(node->data.dir->block_offset), .parent_inode = node->parent ? htole32(node->parent->inode_num) : htole32(1), }; return meta_writer_append(im, &dir, sizeof(dir)); } case SQFS_INODE_EXT_DIR: { sqfs_inode_dir_ext_t ext = { .nlink = htole32(hard_link_count(node)), .size = htole32(node->data.dir->size), .start_block = htole32(node->data.dir->start_block), .parent_inode = node->parent ? htole32(node->parent->inode_num) : htole32(1), .inodex_count = htole32(0), .offset = htole16(node->data.dir->block_offset), .xattr_idx = htole32(0xFFFFFFFF), }; return meta_writer_append(im, &ext, sizeof(ext)); } default: assert(0); } return 0; out_file_blocks: for (i = 0; i < fi->size / info->super.block_size; ++i) { bs = htole32(fi->blocksizes[i]); if (meta_writer_append(im, &bs, sizeof(bs))) return -1; } return 0; } static int write_child_inodes(sqfs_info_t *info, meta_writer_t *im, meta_writer_t *dm, tree_node_t *root) { bool has_subdirs = false; tree_node_t *it; for (it = root->data.dir->children; it != NULL; it = it->next) { if (S_ISDIR(it->mode)) { has_subdirs = true; break; } } if (has_subdirs) { for (it = root->data.dir->children; it != NULL; it = it->next) { if (!S_ISDIR(it->mode)) continue; if (write_child_inodes(info, im, dm, it)) return -1; } } for (it = root->data.dir->children; it != NULL; it = it->next) { if (write_inode(info, im, dm, it)) return -1; } return 0; } int sqfs_write_inodes(sqfs_info_t *info) { meta_writer_t *im, *dm; size_t diff; ssize_t ret; FILE *tmp; int tmpfd; tmp = tmpfile(); if (tmp == NULL) { perror("tmpfile"); return -1; } tmpfd = fileno(tmp); im = meta_writer_create(info->outfd, info->cmp); if (im == NULL) goto fail_tmp; dm = meta_writer_create(tmpfd, info->cmp); if (dm == NULL) goto fail_im; info->inode_counter = 2; if (write_child_inodes(info, im, dm, info->fs.root)) goto fail; if (write_inode(info, im, dm, info->fs.root)) goto fail; if (meta_writer_flush(im)) goto fail; if (meta_writer_flush(dm)) goto fail; info->super.root_inode_ref = info->fs.root->inode_ref; info->super.inode_table_start = info->super.bytes_used; info->super.bytes_used += im->block_offset; info->super.directory_table_start = info->super.bytes_used; info->super.bytes_used += dm->block_offset; if (lseek(tmpfd, 0, SEEK_SET) == (off_t)-1) { perror("rewind on directory temp file"); goto fail; } for (;;) { ret = read_retry(tmpfd, dm->data, sizeof(dm->data)); if (ret < 0) { perror("read from temp file"); goto fail; } if (ret == 0) break; diff = ret; ret = write_retry(info->outfd, dm->data, diff); if (ret < 0) { perror("write to image file"); goto fail; } if ((size_t)ret < diff) { fputs("copying meta data to image file: " "truncated write\n", stderr); goto fail; } } meta_writer_destroy(dm); meta_writer_destroy(im); fclose(tmp); return 0; fail: meta_writer_destroy(dm); fail_im: meta_writer_destroy(im); fail_tmp: fclose(tmp); return -1; }