#include "sqfs/compressor.h" #include "sqfs/dir_reader.h" #include "sqfs/id_table.h" #include "sqfs/inode.h" #include "sqfs/super.h" #include "sqfs/io.h" #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <errno.h> #include <stdio.h> static void write_tree_dfs(const sqfs_tree_node_t *n) { const sqfs_tree_node_t *p; unsigned int mask, level; int i; for (n = n->children; n != NULL; n = n->next) { level = 0; mask = 0; for (p = n->parent; p->parent != NULL; p = p->parent) { if (p->next != NULL) mask |= 1 << level; ++level; } for (i = level - 1; i >= 0; --i) fputs(mask & (1 << i) ? "│ " : " ", stdout); fputs(n->next == NULL ? "└─ " : "├─ ", stdout); fputs((const char *)n->name, stdout); if (n->inode->base.type == SQFS_INODE_SLINK) { printf(" ⭢ %.*s", n->inode->data.slink.target_size, (const char *)n->inode->extra); } else if (n->inode->base.type == SQFS_INODE_EXT_SLINK) { printf(" ⭢ %.*s", n->inode->data.slink_ext.target_size, (const char *)n->inode->extra); } fputc('\n', stdout); write_tree_dfs(n); } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int ret, status = EXIT_FAILURE; sqfs_compressor_config_t cfg; sqfs_compressor_t *cmp; sqfs_tree_node_t *root = NULL; sqfs_id_table_t *idtbl; sqfs_dir_reader_t *dr; sqfs_file_t *file; sqfs_super_t super; /* open the SquashFS file we want to read */ if (argc != 2) { fputs("Usage: list_files <squashfs-file>\n", stderr); return EXIT_FAILURE; } file = sqfs_open_file(argv[1], SQFS_FILE_OPEN_READ_ONLY); if (file == NULL) { perror(argv[1]); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* read the super block, create a compressor and process the compressor options */ if (sqfs_super_read(&super, file)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: error reading super block.\n", argv[1]); goto out_fd; } sqfs_compressor_config_init(&cfg, super.compression_id, super.block_size, SQFS_COMP_FLAG_UNCOMPRESS); ret = sqfs_compressor_create(&cfg, &cmp); if (ret != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: error creating compressor: %d.\n", argv[1], ret); goto out_fd; } if (super.flags & SQFS_FLAG_COMPRESSOR_OPTIONS) { if (cmp->read_options(cmp, file)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: error reading compressor options.\n", argv[1]); goto out_cmp; } } /* Create and read the UID/GID mapping table */ idtbl = sqfs_id_table_create(0); if (idtbl == NULL) { fputs("Error creating ID table.\n", stderr); goto out_cmp; } if (sqfs_id_table_read(idtbl, file, &super, cmp)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: error loading ID table.\n", argv[1]); goto out_id; } /* create a directory reader and scan the entire directory hiearchy */ dr = sqfs_dir_reader_create(&super, cmp, file); if (dr == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: error creating directory reader.\n", argv[1]); goto out_id; } if (sqfs_dir_reader_get_full_hierarchy(dr, idtbl, NULL, 0, &root)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: error loading directory tree.\n", argv[1]); goto out; } /* fancy print the hierarchy */ printf("/\n"); write_tree_dfs(root); /* cleanup */ status = EXIT_SUCCESS; out: if (root != NULL) sqfs_dir_tree_destroy(root); sqfs_destroy(dr); out_id: sqfs_destroy(idtbl); out_cmp: sqfs_destroy(cmp); out_fd: sqfs_destroy(file); return status; }