/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later */ /* * Copyright (C) 2018 - David Oberhollenzer * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "init.h" static service_list_t cfg; static int target = -1; static service_t *running = NULL; static service_t *terminated = NULL; static service_t *queue = NULL; static int singleshot = 0; static bool waiting = false; static int start_service(service_t *svc) { svc->pid = runsvc(svc); if (svc->pid == -1) { print_status(svc->desc, STATUS_FAIL, false); delsvc(svc); return -1; } svc->next = running; running = svc; return 0; } static void handle_terminated_service(service_t *svc) { switch (svc->type) { case SVC_RESPAWN: if (target == TGT_REBOOT || target == TGT_SHUTDOWN) break; if (svc->rspwn_limit > 0) { svc->rspwn_limit -= 1; if (svc->rspwn_limit == 0) { print_status(svc->desc, STATUS_FAIL, false); break; } } start_service(svc); return; case SVC_WAIT: waiting = false; print_status(svc->desc, svc->status == EXIT_SUCCESS ? STATUS_OK : STATUS_FAIL, true); if (singleshot == 0 && queue == NULL) target_completed(target); break; case SVC_ONCE: singleshot -= 1; print_status(svc->desc, svc->status == EXIT_SUCCESS ? STATUS_OK : STATUS_FAIL, false); if (singleshot == 0 && queue == NULL && !waiting) target_completed(target); break; } delsvc(svc); } void supervisor_handle_exited(pid_t pid, int status) { service_t *prev = NULL, *svc = running; while (svc != NULL && svc->pid != pid) { prev = svc; svc = svc->next; } if (svc == NULL) return; if (prev != NULL) { prev->next = svc->next; } else { running = svc->next; } svc->status = status; svc->next = terminated; terminated = svc; } void supervisor_set_target(int next) { service_t *svc; if (target == TGT_REBOOT || target == TGT_SHUTDOWN || next == target) return; if (next == TGT_REBOOT || next == TGT_SHUTDOWN) { while (queue != NULL) { svc = queue; queue = queue->next; delsvc(svc); } } if (queue != NULL) { for (svc = queue; svc->next != NULL; svc = svc->next) ; svc->next = cfg.targets[next]; } else { queue = cfg.targets[next]; } cfg.targets[next] = NULL; target = next; } void supervisor_init(void) { int status = STATUS_OK; if (svcscan(SVCDIR, &cfg, RDSVC_NO_EXEC | RDSVC_NO_CTTY)) status = STATUS_FAIL; target = TGT_BOOT; queue = cfg.targets[TGT_BOOT]; cfg.targets[TGT_BOOT] = NULL; print_status("reading configuration from " SVCDIR, status, false); } bool supervisor_process_queues(void) { service_t *svc; if (terminated != NULL) { svc = terminated; terminated = terminated->next; handle_terminated_service(svc); return true; } if (waiting || queue == NULL) return false; svc = queue; queue = queue->next; if (start_service(svc) != 0) return true; switch (svc->type) { case SVC_WAIT: print_status(svc->desc, STATUS_WAIT, false); waiting = true; break; case SVC_RESPAWN: print_status(svc->desc, STATUS_STARTED, false); break; case SVC_ONCE: singleshot += 1; break; } if (singleshot == 0 && queue == NULL && !waiting) target_completed(target); return true; }