.TH service 8 "August 2018" "Pygos Init" .SH NAME service \- configure or administrate system services .SH SYNOPSIS .B service <command> [options] .SH DESCRIPTION The service command can be used to configure, control and administrate services supervised by the init daemon. .SH COMMANDS .TP .BR help " " \fI[command]\fP If no arguments are provided, displays a short help text and a list of all available commands with a short description for each. If a command name is specified, displays a more elaborate description and usage information for the specified command. .TP .BR list " " \fI[target]\fP Displays a list of currently enabled services. If an optional target is specified, lists services only for this target, otherwise, list services for all targets. .TP .BR enable " " \fI<service>\fP " " \fI[arguments]\fP Enable (but do not start) a system service by creating a symlink in the configuration directory, pointing to the service template file. An optional argument can be supplied to parameterize the template. .TP .BR schedule " " \fI<service>\fP If built with support for gcrond, enable a gcron service by creating a symlink in the gcrond configuration directory, pointing to the service file. The extension \fB.gcron\fP is automatically appended to the service name. .TP .BR disable " " \fI<service>\fP " " \fI[arguments]\fP Disable (but do not stop) a system service by removing the corresponding symlink in the configuration directory. If the service is parameterized, arguments have to be specified to disable the desired service instance. .TP .BR unschedule " " \fI<service>\fP If built with support for gcrond, disable a gcron service by removing the corresponding symlink in the gcron configuration directory. .TP .BR dumpscript " " \fI<service>\fP " " \fI[arguments]\fP Parse a service file from and produce a pseudo shell script containing the exact commands executed when starting the service. .SH AVAILABILITY This program is part of the Pygos init system. .SH COPYRIGHT Copyright \(co 2018 David Oberhollenzer .br License: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>. .br This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. .SH SEE ALSO .BR sync (2), .BR reboot (2)