/* * Copyright International Business Machines Corp., 2006, 2007 * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See * the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ /* * Authors: Oliver Lohmann <oliloh@de.ibm.com> * Drake Dowsett <dowsett@de.ibm.com> * Contact: Andreas Arnez <anrez@de.ibm.com> */ /* TODO Compare data before writing it. This implies that the volume * parameters are compared first: size, alignment, name, type, ..., * this is the same, compare the data. Volume deletion is deffered * until the difference has been found out. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <errno.h> #include <fcntl.h> #define __USE_GNU #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <libubiold.h> #include <pfiflash.h> #include <mtd/ubi-user.h> /* FIXME Is this ok here? */ #include <mtd/mtd-user.h> #include "pfiflash_error.h" #include "ubimirror.h" #include "error.h" #include "reader.h" #include "example_ubi.h" #include "bootenv.h" /* ubi-header.h and crc32.h needed for CRC checking */ #include <mtd/ubi-header.h> /* FIXME Is this ok here? */ #include "crc32.h" #define __unused __attribute__((unused)) #define COMPARE_BUFFER_SIZE 2048 static const char copyright [] __unused = "Copyright International Business Machines Corp., 2006, 2007"; /* simply clear buffer, then write into front of it */ #define EBUF(fmt...) \ snprintf(err_buf, err_buf_size, fmt); /* make a history of buffer and then prepend something in front */ #define EBUF_PREPEND(fmt) \ do { \ int EBUF_HISTORY_LENGTH = strlen(err_buf); \ char EBUF_HISTORY[EBUF_HISTORY_LENGTH + 1]; \ strncpy(EBUF_HISTORY, err_buf, EBUF_HISTORY_LENGTH + 1);\ EBUF(fmt ": %s", EBUF_HISTORY); \ } while (0) /* An array of PDD function pointers indexed by the algorithm. */ static pdd_func_t pdd_funcs[PDD_HANDLING_NUM] = { &bootenv_pdd_keep, &bootenv_pdd_merge, &bootenv_pdd_overwrite }; typedef enum ubi_update_process_t { UBI_REMOVE = 0, UBI_WRITE, UBI_COMPARE, } ubi_update_process_t; /** * skip_raw_volumes - reads data from pfi to advance fp past raw block * @pfi: fp to pfi data * @pfi_raws: header information * * Error handling): * when early EOF in pfi data * - returns -PFIFLASH_ERR_EOF, err_buf matches text to err * when file I/O error * - returns -PFIFLASH_ERR_FIO, err_buf matches text to err **/ static int skip_raw_volumes(FILE* pfi, list_t pfi_raws, char* err_buf, size_t err_buf_size) { int rc; void *i; list_t ptr; if (is_empty(pfi_raws)) return 0; rc = 0; foreach(i, ptr, pfi_raws) { size_t j; pfi_raw_t raw; raw = (pfi_raw_t)i; for(j = 0; j < raw->data_size; j++) { int c; c = fgetc(pfi); if (c == EOF) rc = -PFIFLASH_ERR_EOF; else if (ferror(pfi)) rc = -PFIFLASH_ERR_FIO; if (rc != 0) goto err; } } err: EBUF(PFIFLASH_ERRSTR[-rc]); return rc; } /** * my_ubi_mkvol - wraps the ubi_mkvol functions and impl. bootenv update hook * @devno: UBI device number. * @s: Current seqnum. * @u: Information about the UBI volume from the PFI. * * Error handling: * when UBI system couldn't be opened * - returns -PFIFLASH_ERR_UBI_OPEN, err_buf matches text to err * when UBI system couldn't create a volume * - returns -PFIFLASH_ERR_UBI_MKVOL, err_buf matches text to err **/ static int my_ubi_mkvol(int devno, int s, pfi_ubi_t u, char *err_buf, size_t err_buf_size) { int rc, type; ubi_lib_t ulib; rc = 0; ulib = NULL; log_msg("[ ubimkvol id=%d, size=%d, data_size=%d, type=%d, " "alig=%d, nlen=%d, name=%s", u->ids[s], u->size, u->data_size, u->type, u->alignment, strnlen(u->names[s], PFI_UBI_VOL_NAME_LEN), u->names[s]); rc = ubi_open(&ulib); if (rc != 0) { rc = -PFIFLASH_ERR_UBI_OPEN; EBUF(PFIFLASH_ERRSTR[-rc]); goto err; } switch (u->type) { case pfi_ubi_static: type = UBI_STATIC_VOLUME; break; case pfi_ubi_dynamic: default: type = UBI_DYNAMIC_VOLUME; } rc = ubi_mkvol(ulib, devno, u->ids[s], type, u->size, u->alignment, u->names[s]); if (rc != 0) { rc = -PFIFLASH_ERR_UBI_MKVOL; EBUF(PFIFLASH_ERRSTR[-rc], u->ids[s]); goto err; } err: if (ulib != NULL) ubi_close(&ulib); return rc; } /** * my_ubi_rmvol - a wrapper around the UBI library function ubi_rmvol * @devno UBI device number * @id UBI volume id to remove * * If the volume does not exist, the function will return success. * * Error handling: * when UBI system couldn't be opened * - returns -PFIFLASH_ERR_UBI_OPEN, err_buf matches text to err * when UBI system couldn't update (truncate) a volume * - returns -PFIFLASH_ERR_UBI_VOL_UPDATE, err_buf matches text to err * when UBI system couldn't remove a volume * - returns -PFIFLASH_ERR_UBI_RMVOL, err_buf matches text to err **/ static int my_ubi_rmvol(int devno, uint32_t id, char *err_buf, size_t err_buf_size) { int rc, fd; ubi_lib_t ulib; rc = 0; ulib = NULL; log_msg("[ ubirmvol id=%d", id); rc = ubi_open(&ulib); if (rc != 0) { rc = -PFIFLASH_ERR_UBI_OPEN; EBUF(PFIFLASH_ERRSTR[-rc]); goto err; } /* truncate whether it exist or not */ fd = ubi_vol_open(ulib, devno, id, O_RDWR); if (fd == -1) return 0; /* not existent, return 0 */ rc = ubi_vol_update(fd, 0); ubi_vol_close(fd); if (rc < 0) { rc = -PFIFLASH_ERR_UBI_VOL_UPDATE; EBUF(PFIFLASH_ERRSTR[-rc], id); goto err; /* if EBUSY than empty device, continue */ } rc = ubi_rmvol(ulib, devno, id); if (rc != 0) { #ifdef DEBUG int rc_old = rc; dbg_msg("Remove UBI volume %d returned with error: %d " "errno=%d", id, rc_old, errno); #endif rc = -PFIFLASH_ERR_UBI_RMVOL; EBUF(PFIFLASH_ERRSTR[-rc], id); /* TODO Define a ubi_rmvol return value which says * sth like EUBI_NOSUCHDEV. In this case, a failed * operation is acceptable. Everything else has to be * classified as real error. But talk to Andreas Arnez * before defining something odd... */ /* if ((errno == EINVAL) || (errno == ENODEV)) return 0; */ /* currently it is EINVAL or ENODEV */ goto err; } err: if (ulib != NULL) ubi_close(&ulib); return rc; } /** * read_bootenv_volume - reads the current bootenv data from id into be_old * @devno UBI device number * @id UBI volume id to remove * @bootenv_old to hold old boot_env data * * Error handling: * when UBI system couldn't be opened * - returns -PFIFLASH_ERR_UBI_OPEN, err_buf matches text to err * when UBI system couldn't open a volume to read * - returns -PFIFLASH_ERR_UBI_VOL_FOPEN, err_buf matches text to err * when couldn't read bootenv data * - returns -PFIFLASH_ERR_BOOTENV_READ, err_buf matches text to err **/ static int read_bootenv_volume(int devno, uint32_t id, bootenv_t bootenv_old, char *err_buf, size_t err_buf_size) { int rc; FILE* fp_in; ubi_lib_t ulib; rc = 0; fp_in = NULL; ulib = NULL; rc = ubi_open(&ulib); if (rc != 0) { rc = -PFIFLASH_ERR_UBI_OPEN; EBUF(PFIFLASH_ERRSTR[-rc]); goto err; } fp_in = ubi_vol_fopen_read(ulib, devno, id); if (!fp_in) { rc = -PFIFLASH_ERR_UBI_VOL_FOPEN; EBUF(PFIFLASH_ERRSTR[-rc], id); goto err; } log_msg("[ reading old bootenvs ..."); /* Save old bootenvs for reference */ rc = bootenv_read(fp_in, bootenv_old, BOOTENV_MAXSIZE); if (rc != 0) { rc = -PFIFLASH_ERR_BOOTENV_READ; EBUF(PFIFLASH_ERRSTR[-rc]); goto err; } err: if (fp_in) fclose(fp_in); if (ulib) ubi_close(&ulib); return rc; } /** * write_bootenv_volume - writes data from PFI file int to bootenv UBI volume * @devno UBI device number * @id UBI volume id * @bootend_old old PDD data from machine * @pdd_f function to handle PDD with * @fp_in new pdd data contained in PFI * @fp_in_size data size of new pdd data in PFI * @pfi_crc crc value from PFI header * * Error handling: * when UBI system couldn't be opened * - returns -PFIFLASH_ERR_UBI_OPEN, err_buf matches text to err * when bootenv can't be created * - returns -PFIFLASH_ERR_BOOTENV_CREATE, err_buf matches text to err * when bootenv can't be read * - returns -PFIFLASH_ERR_BOOTENV_READ, err_buf matches text to err * when PDD handling function returns and error * - passes rc and err_buf data * when CRC check fails * - returns -PFIFLASH_ERR_CRC_CHECK, err_buf matches text to err * when bootenv can't be resized * - returns -PFIFLASH_ERR_BOOTENV_SIZE, err_buf matches text to err * when UBI system couldn't open a volume * - returns -PFIFLASH_ERR_UBI_VOL_FOPEN, err_buf matches text to err * when couldn't write bootenv data * - returns -PFIFLASH_ERR_BOOTENV_WRITE, err_buf matches text to err **/ static int write_bootenv_volume(int devno, uint32_t id, bootenv_t bootenv_old, pdd_func_t pdd_f, FILE* fp_in, size_t fp_in_size, uint32_t pfi_crc, char *err_buf, size_t err_buf_size) { int rc, warnings; uint32_t crc; size_t update_size; FILE *fp_out; bootenv_t bootenv_new, bootenv_res; ubi_lib_t ulib; rc = 0; warnings = 0; crc = 0; update_size = 0; fp_out = NULL; bootenv_new = NULL; bootenv_res = NULL; ulib = NULL; log_msg("[ ubiupdatevol bootenv id=%d, fp_in=%p", id, fp_in); /* Workflow: * 1. Apply PDD operation and get the size of the returning * bootenv_res section. Without the correct size it wouldn't * be possible to call UBI update vol. * 2. Call UBI update vol * 3. Get FILE* to vol dev * 4. Write to FILE* */ rc = ubi_open(&ulib); if (rc != 0) { rc = -PFIFLASH_ERR_UBI_OPEN; EBUF(PFIFLASH_ERRSTR[-rc]); goto err; } rc = bootenv_create(&bootenv_new); if (rc != 0) { rc = -PFIFLASH_ERR_BOOTENV_CREATE; EBUF(PFIFLASH_ERRSTR[-rc], " 'new'"); goto err; } rc = bootenv_create(&bootenv_res); if (rc != 0) { rc = -PFIFLASH_ERR_BOOTENV_CREATE; EBUF(PFIFLASH_ERRSTR[-rc], " 'res'"); goto err; } rc = bootenv_read_crc(fp_in, bootenv_new, fp_in_size, &crc); if (rc != 0) { rc = -PFIFLASH_ERR_BOOTENV_READ; EBUF(PFIFLASH_ERRSTR[-rc]); goto err; } else if (crc != pfi_crc) { rc = -PFIFLASH_ERR_CRC_CHECK; EBUF(PFIFLASH_ERRSTR[-rc], pfi_crc, crc); goto err; } rc = pdd_f(bootenv_old, bootenv_new, &bootenv_res, &warnings, err_buf, err_buf_size); if (rc != 0) { EBUF_PREPEND("handling PDD"); goto err; } else if (warnings) /* TODO do something with warnings */ dbg_msg("A warning in the PDD operation occured: %d", warnings); rc = bootenv_size(bootenv_res, &update_size); if (rc != 0) { rc = -PFIFLASH_ERR_BOOTENV_SIZE; EBUF(PFIFLASH_ERRSTR[-rc]); goto err; } fp_out = ubi_vol_fopen_update(ulib, devno, id, update_size); if (!fp_out) { rc = -PFIFLASH_ERR_UBI_VOL_FOPEN; EBUF(PFIFLASH_ERRSTR[-rc], id); goto err; } rc = bootenv_write(fp_out, bootenv_res); if (rc != 0) { rc = -PFIFLASH_ERR_BOOTENV_WRITE; EBUF(PFIFLASH_ERRSTR[-rc], devno, id); goto err; } err: if (ulib != NULL) ubi_close(&ulib); if (bootenv_new != NULL) bootenv_destroy(&bootenv_new); if (bootenv_res != NULL) bootenv_destroy(&bootenv_res); if (fp_out) fclose(fp_out); return rc; } /** * write_normal_volume - writes data from PFI file int to regular UBI volume * @devno UBI device number * @id UBI volume id * @update_size size of data stream * @fp_in PFI data file pointer * @pfi_crc CRC data from PFI header * * Error handling: * when UBI system couldn't be opened * - returns -PFIFLASH_ERR_UBI_OPEN, err_buf matches text to err * when UBI system couldn't open a volume * - returns -PFIFLASH_ERR_UBI_VOL_FOPEN, err_buf matches text to err * when unexpected EOF is encountered * - returns -PFIFLASH_ERR_EOF, err_buf matches text to err * when file I/O error * - returns -PFIFLASH_ERR_FIO, err_buf matches text to err * when CRC check fails * - retruns -PFIFLASH_ERR_CRC_CHECK, err_buf matches text to err **/ static int write_normal_volume(int devno, uint32_t id, size_t update_size, FILE* fp_in, uint32_t pfi_crc, char *err_buf, size_t err_buf_size) { int rc; uint32_t crc, crc32_table[256]; size_t bytes_left; FILE* fp_out; ubi_lib_t ulib; rc = 0; crc = UBI_CRC32_INIT; bytes_left = update_size; fp_out = NULL; ulib = NULL; log_msg("[ ubiupdatevol id=%d, update_size=%d fp_in=%p", id, update_size, fp_in); rc = ubi_open(&ulib); if (rc != 0) { rc = -PFIFLASH_ERR_UBI_OPEN; EBUF(PFIFLASH_ERRSTR[-rc]); goto err; } fp_out = ubi_vol_fopen_update(ulib, devno, id, update_size); if (!fp_out) { rc = -PFIFLASH_ERR_UBI_VOL_FOPEN; EBUF(PFIFLASH_ERRSTR[-rc], id); goto err; } init_crc32_table(crc32_table); while (bytes_left) { char buf[1024]; size_t to_rw = sizeof buf > bytes_left ? bytes_left : sizeof buf; if (fread(buf, 1, to_rw, fp_in) != to_rw) { rc = -PFIFLASH_ERR_EOF; EBUF(PFIFLASH_ERRSTR[-rc]); goto err; } crc = clc_crc32(crc32_table, crc, buf, to_rw); if (fwrite(buf, 1, to_rw, fp_out) != to_rw) { rc = -PFIFLASH_ERR_FIO; EBUF(PFIFLASH_ERRSTR[-rc]); goto err; } bytes_left -= to_rw; } if (crc != pfi_crc) { rc = -PFIFLASH_ERR_CRC_CHECK; EBUF(PFIFLASH_ERRSTR[-rc], pfi_crc, crc); goto err; } err: if (fp_out) fclose(fp_out); if (ulib) ubi_close(&ulib); return rc; } static int compare_bootenv(FILE *fp_pfi, FILE **fp_flash, uint32_t ids_size, uint32_t data_size, pdd_func_t pdd_f, char *err_buf, size_t err_buf_size) { int rc, warnings = 0; unsigned int i; bootenv_t bootenv_pfi, bootenv_res = NULL, bootenv_flash = NULL; rc = bootenv_create(&bootenv_pfi); if (rc != 0) { rc = -PFIFLASH_ERR_BOOTENV_CREATE; goto err; } rc = bootenv_create(&bootenv_res); if (rc != 0) { rc = -PFIFLASH_ERR_BOOTENV_CREATE; goto err; } rc = bootenv_read(fp_pfi, bootenv_pfi, data_size); if (rc != 0) { rc = -PFIFLASH_ERR_BOOTENV_READ; goto err; } for (i = 0; i < ids_size; i++) { rc = bootenv_create(&bootenv_flash); if (rc != 0) { rc = -PFIFLASH_ERR_BOOTENV_CREATE; goto err; } rc = bootenv_read(fp_flash[i], bootenv_flash, BOOTENV_MAXSIZE); if (rc != 0) { rc = -PFIFLASH_ERR_BOOTENV_READ; goto err; } rc = pdd_f(bootenv_flash, bootenv_pfi, &bootenv_res, &warnings, err_buf, err_buf_size); if (rc != 0) { rc = -PFIFLASH_ERR_PDD_UNKNOWN; goto err; } rc = bootenv_compare(bootenv_flash, bootenv_res); if (rc > 0) { rc = -PFIFLASH_CMP_DIFF; goto err; } else if (rc < 0) { rc = -PFIFLASH_ERR_COMPARE; goto err; } bootenv_destroy(&bootenv_flash); bootenv_flash = NULL; } err: if (bootenv_pfi) bootenv_destroy(&bootenv_pfi); if (bootenv_res) bootenv_destroy(&bootenv_res); if (bootenv_flash) bootenv_destroy(&bootenv_flash); return rc; } static int compare_data(FILE *fp_pfi, FILE **fp_flash, uint32_t ids_size, uint32_t bytes_left) { unsigned int i; size_t read_bytes, rc = 0; char buf_pfi[COMPARE_BUFFER_SIZE]; char *buf_flash[ids_size]; for (i = 0; i < ids_size; i++) { buf_flash[i] = malloc(COMPARE_BUFFER_SIZE); if (!buf_flash[i]) return -PFIFLASH_ERR_COMPARE; } while (bytes_left) { if (bytes_left > COMPARE_BUFFER_SIZE) read_bytes = COMPARE_BUFFER_SIZE; else read_bytes = bytes_left; rc = fread(buf_pfi, 1, read_bytes, fp_pfi); if (rc != read_bytes) { rc = -PFIFLASH_ERR_COMPARE; goto err; } for (i = 0; i < ids_size; i++) { rc = fread(buf_flash[i], 1, read_bytes, fp_flash[i]); if (rc != read_bytes) { rc = -PFIFLASH_CMP_DIFF; goto err; } rc = memcmp(buf_pfi, buf_flash[i], read_bytes); if (rc != 0) { rc = -PFIFLASH_CMP_DIFF; goto err; } } bytes_left -= read_bytes; } err: for (i = 0; i < ids_size; i++) free(buf_flash[i]); return rc; } static int compare_volumes(int devno, pfi_ubi_t u, FILE *fp_pfi, pdd_func_t pdd_f, char *err_buf, size_t err_buf_size) { int rc, is_bootenv = 0; unsigned int i; ubi_lib_t ulib = NULL; FILE *fp_flash[u->ids_size]; rc = ubi_open(&ulib); if (rc != 0) { rc = -PFIFLASH_ERR_UBI_OPEN; goto err; } for (i = 0; i < u->ids_size; i++) { if (u->ids[i] == EXAMPLE_BOOTENV_VOL_ID_1 || u->ids[i] == EXAMPLE_BOOTENV_VOL_ID_2) is_bootenv = 1; fp_flash[i] = ubi_vol_fopen_read(ulib, devno, u->ids[i]); if (fp_flash[i] == NULL) { rc = -PFIFLASH_ERR_UBI_OPEN; goto err; } } if (is_bootenv) rc = compare_bootenv(fp_pfi, fp_flash, u->ids_size, u->data_size, pdd_f, err_buf, err_buf_size); else rc = compare_data(fp_pfi, fp_flash, u->ids_size, u->data_size); err: if (rc < 0) EBUF(PFIFLASH_ERRSTR[-rc]); for (i = 0; i < u->ids_size; i++) fclose(fp_flash[i]); if (ulib) ubi_close(&ulib); return rc; } static int erase_mtd_region(FILE* file_p, int start, int length) { int rc, fd; erase_info_t erase; mtd_info_t mtdinfo; loff_t offset = start; loff_t end = offset + length; fd = fileno(file_p); if (fd < 0) return -PFIFLASH_ERR_MTD_ERASE; rc = ioctl(fd, MEMGETINFO, &mtdinfo); if (rc) return -PFIFLASH_ERR_MTD_ERASE; /* check for bad blocks in case of NAND flash */ if (mtdinfo.type == MTD_NANDFLASH) { while (offset < end) { rc = ioctl(fd, MEMGETBADBLOCK, &offset); if (rc > 0) { return -PFIFLASH_ERR_MTD_ERASE; } offset += mtdinfo.erasesize; } } erase.start = start; erase.length = length; rc = ioctl(fd, MEMERASE, &erase); if (rc) { return -PFIFLASH_ERR_MTD_ERASE; } return rc; } /** * process_raw_volumes - writes the raw sections of the PFI data * @pfi PFI data file pointer * @pfi_raws list of PFI raw headers * @rawdev device to use to write raw data * * Error handling: * when early EOF in PFI data * - returns -PFIFLASH_ERR_EOF, err_buf matches text to err * when file I/O error * - returns -PFIFLASH_ERR_FIO, err_buf matches text to err * when CRC check fails * - returns -PFIFLASH_ERR_CRC_CHECK, err_buf matches text to err * when opening MTD device fails * - reutrns -PFIFLASH_ERR_MTD_OPEN, err_buf matches text to err * when closing MTD device fails * - returns -PFIFLASH_ERR_MTD_CLOSE, err_buf matches text to err **/ static int process_raw_volumes(FILE* pfi, list_t pfi_raws, const char* rawdev, char* err_buf, size_t err_buf_size) { int rc; char *pfi_data; void *i; uint32_t crc, crc32_table[256]; size_t j, k; FILE* mtd = NULL; list_t ptr; if (is_empty(pfi_raws)) return 0; if (rawdev == NULL) return 0; rc = 0; pfi_data = NULL; log_msg("[ rawupdate dev=%s", rawdev); crc = UBI_CRC32_INIT; init_crc32_table(crc32_table); /* most likely only one element in list, but just in case */ foreach(i, ptr, pfi_raws) { pfi_raw_t r = (pfi_raw_t)i; /* read in pfi data */ if (pfi_data != NULL) free(pfi_data); pfi_data = malloc(r->data_size * sizeof(char)); for (j = 0; j < r->data_size; j++) { int c = fgetc(pfi); if (c == EOF) { rc = -PFIFLASH_ERR_EOF; EBUF(PFIFLASH_ERRSTR[-rc]); goto err; } else if (ferror(pfi)) { rc = -PFIFLASH_ERR_FIO; EBUF(PFIFLASH_ERRSTR[-rc]); goto err; } pfi_data[j] = (char)c; } crc = clc_crc32(crc32_table, crc, pfi_data, r->data_size); /* check crc */ if (crc != r->crc) { rc = -PFIFLASH_ERR_CRC_CHECK; EBUF(PFIFLASH_ERRSTR[-rc], r->crc, crc); goto err; } /* open device */ mtd = fopen(rawdev, "r+"); if (mtd == NULL) { rc = -PFIFLASH_ERR_MTD_OPEN; EBUF(PFIFLASH_ERRSTR[-rc], rawdev); goto err; } for (j = 0; j < r->starts_size; j++) { rc = erase_mtd_region(mtd, r->starts[j], r->data_size); if (rc) { EBUF(PFIFLASH_ERRSTR[-rc]); goto err; } fseek(mtd, r->starts[j], SEEK_SET); for (k = 0; k < r->data_size; k++) { int c = fputc((int)pfi_data[k], mtd); if (c == EOF) { fclose(mtd); rc = -PFIFLASH_ERR_EOF; EBUF(PFIFLASH_ERRSTR[-rc]); goto err; } if ((char)c != pfi_data[k]) { fclose(mtd); rc = -1; goto err; } } } rc = fclose(mtd); mtd = NULL; if (rc != 0) { rc = -PFIFLASH_ERR_MTD_CLOSE; EBUF(PFIFLASH_ERRSTR[-rc], rawdev); goto err; } } err: if (mtd != NULL) fclose(mtd); if (pfi_data != NULL) free(pfi_data); return rc; } /** * erase_unmapped_ubi_volumes - skip volumes provided by PFI file, clear rest * @devno UBI device number * @pfi_ubis list of UBI header data * * Error handling: * when UBI id is out of bounds * - returns -PFIFLASH_ERR_UBI_VID_OOB, err_buf matches text to err * when UBI volume can't be removed * - passes rc, prepends err_buf with contextual aid **/ static int erase_unmapped_ubi_volumes(int devno, list_t pfi_ubis, char *err_buf, size_t err_buf_size) { int rc; uint8_t ubi_volumes[PFI_UBI_MAX_VOLUMES]; size_t i; list_t ptr; pfi_ubi_t u; rc = 0; for (i = 0; i < PFI_UBI_MAX_VOLUMES; i++) ubi_volumes[i] = 1; foreach(u, ptr, pfi_ubis) { /* iterate over each vol_id */ for(i = 0; i < u->ids_size; i++) { if (u->ids[i] >= PFI_UBI_MAX_VOLUMES) { rc = -PFIFLASH_ERR_UBI_VID_OOB; EBUF(PFIFLASH_ERRSTR[-rc], u->ids[i]); goto err; } /* remove from removal list */ ubi_volumes[u->ids[i]] = 0; } } for (i = 0; i < PFI_UBI_MAX_VOLUMES; i++) { if (ubi_volumes[i]) { rc = my_ubi_rmvol(devno, i, err_buf, err_buf_size); if (rc != 0) { EBUF_PREPEND("remove volume failed"); goto err; } } } err: return rc; } /** * process_ubi_volumes - delegate tasks regarding UBI volumes * @pfi PFI data file pointer * @seqnum sequence number * @pfi_ubis list of UBI header data * @bootenv_old storage for current system PDD * @pdd_f function to handle PDD * @ubi_update_process whether reading or writing * * Error handling: * when and unknown ubi_update_process is given * - returns -PFIFLASH_ERR_UBI_UNKNOWN, err_buf matches text to err * otherwise * - passes rc and err_buf **/ static int process_ubi_volumes(FILE* pfi, int seqnum, list_t pfi_ubis, bootenv_t bootenv_old, pdd_func_t pdd_f, ubi_update_process_t ubi_update_process, char *err_buf, size_t err_buf_size) { int rc; pfi_ubi_t u; list_t ptr; rc = 0; foreach(u, ptr, pfi_ubis) { int s = seqnum; if (s > ((int)u->ids_size - 1)) s = 0; /* per default use the first */ u->curr_seqnum = s; switch (ubi_update_process) { case UBI_REMOVE: /* TODO are all these "EXAMPLE" vars okay? */ if ((u->ids[s] == EXAMPLE_BOOTENV_VOL_ID_1) || (u->ids[s] == EXAMPLE_BOOTENV_VOL_ID_2)) { rc = read_bootenv_volume(EXAMPLE_UBI_DEVICE, u->ids[s], bootenv_old, err_buf, err_buf_size); /* it's okay if there is no bootenv * we're going to write one */ if ((rc == -PFIFLASH_ERR_UBI_VOL_FOPEN) || (rc == -PFIFLASH_ERR_BOOTENV_READ)) rc = 0; if (rc != 0) goto err; } rc = my_ubi_rmvol(EXAMPLE_UBI_DEVICE, u->ids[s], err_buf, err_buf_size); if (rc != 0) goto err; break; case UBI_WRITE: rc = my_ubi_mkvol(EXAMPLE_UBI_DEVICE, s, u, err_buf, err_buf_size); if (rc != 0) { EBUF_PREPEND("creating volume"); goto err; } if ((u->ids[s] == EXAMPLE_BOOTENV_VOL_ID_1) || (u->ids[s] == EXAMPLE_BOOTENV_VOL_ID_2)) { rc = write_bootenv_volume(EXAMPLE_UBI_DEVICE, u->ids[s], bootenv_old, pdd_f, pfi, u->data_size, u->crc, err_buf, err_buf_size); if (rc != 0) EBUF_PREPEND("bootenv volume"); } else { rc = write_normal_volume(EXAMPLE_UBI_DEVICE, u->ids[s], u->data_size, pfi, u->crc, err_buf, err_buf_size); if (rc != 0) EBUF_PREPEND("normal volume"); } if (rc != 0) goto err; break; case UBI_COMPARE: rc = compare_volumes(EXAMPLE_UBI_DEVICE, u, pfi, pdd_f, err_buf, err_buf_size); if (rc != 0) { EBUF_PREPEND("compare volume"); goto err; } break; default: rc = -PFIFLASH_ERR_UBI_UNKNOWN; EBUF(PFIFLASH_ERRSTR[-rc]); goto err; } } err: return rc; } /** * mirror_ubi_volumes - mirror redundant pairs of volumes * @devno UBI device number * @pfi_ubis list of PFI header data * * Error handling: * when UBI system couldn't be opened * - returns -PFIFLASH_ERR_UBI_OPEN, err_buf matches text to err **/ static int mirror_ubi_volumes(uint32_t devno, list_t pfi_ubis, char *err_buf, size_t err_buf_size) { int rc; uint32_t j; list_t ptr; pfi_ubi_t i; ubi_lib_t ulib; rc = 0; ulib = NULL; log_msg("[ mirror ..."); rc = ubi_open(&ulib); if (rc != 0) { rc = -PFIFLASH_ERR_UBI_OPEN; EBUF(PFIFLASH_ERRSTR[-rc]); goto err; } /** * Execute all mirror operations on redundant groups. * Create a volume within a redundant group if it does * not exist already (this is a precondition of * ubimirror). */ foreach(i, ptr, pfi_ubis) { for (j = 0; j < i->ids_size; j++) { /* skip self-match */ if (i->ids[j] == i->ids[i->curr_seqnum]) continue; rc = my_ubi_rmvol(devno, i->ids[j], err_buf, err_buf_size); if (rc != 0) goto err; rc = my_ubi_mkvol(devno, j, i, err_buf, err_buf_size); if (rc != 0) goto err; } } foreach(i, ptr, pfi_ubis) { rc = ubimirror(devno, i->curr_seqnum, i->ids, i->ids_size, err_buf, err_buf_size); if (rc != 0) goto err; } err: if (ulib != NULL) ubi_close(&ulib); return rc; } /** * pfiflash_with_options - exposed func to flash memory with a PFI file * @pfi PFI data file pointer * @complete flag to erase unmapped volumes * @seqnum sequence number * @compare flag to compare * @pdd_handling method to handle pdd (keep, merge, overwrite...) * * Error handling: * when bootenv can't be created * - returns -PFIFLASH_ERR_BOOTENV_CREATE, err_buf matches text to err * when PFI headers can't be read, or * when fail to skip raw sections, or * when error occurs while processing raw volumes, or * when fail to erase unmapped UBI vols, or * when error occurs while processing UBI volumes, or * when error occurs while mirroring UBI volumes * - passes rc, prepends err_buf with contextual aid **/ int pfiflash_with_options(FILE* pfi, int complete, int seqnum, int compare, pdd_handling_t pdd_handling, const char* rawdev, char *err_buf, size_t err_buf_size) { int rc; bootenv_t bootenv; pdd_func_t pdd_f; if (pfi == NULL) return -EINVAL; rc = 0; pdd_f = NULL; /* If the user didnt specify a seqnum we start per default * with the index 0 */ int curr_seqnum = seqnum < 0 ? 0 : seqnum; list_t pfi_raws = mk_empty(); /* list of raw sections from a pfi */ list_t pfi_ubis = mk_empty(); /* list of ubi sections from a pfi */ rc = bootenv_create(&bootenv); if (rc != 0) { rc = -PFIFLASH_ERR_BOOTENV_CREATE; EBUF(PFIFLASH_ERRSTR[-rc], ""); goto err; } rc = read_pfi_headers(&pfi_raws, &pfi_ubis, pfi, err_buf, err_buf_size); if (rc != 0) { EBUF_PREPEND("reading PFI header"); goto err; } if (rawdev == NULL || compare) rc = skip_raw_volumes(pfi, pfi_raws, err_buf, err_buf_size); else rc = process_raw_volumes(pfi, pfi_raws, rawdev, err_buf, err_buf_size); if (rc != 0) { EBUF_PREPEND("handling raw section"); goto err; } if (complete && !compare) { rc = erase_unmapped_ubi_volumes(EXAMPLE_UBI_DEVICE, pfi_ubis, err_buf, err_buf_size); if (rc != 0) { EBUF_PREPEND("deleting unmapped UBI volumes"); goto err; } } if (((int)pdd_handling >= 0) && (pdd_handling < PDD_HANDLING_NUM)) pdd_f = pdd_funcs[pdd_handling]; else { rc = -PFIFLASH_ERR_PDD_UNKNOWN; EBUF(PFIFLASH_ERRSTR[-rc]); goto err; } if (!compare) { rc = process_ubi_volumes(pfi, curr_seqnum, pfi_ubis, bootenv, pdd_f, UBI_REMOVE, err_buf, err_buf_size); if (rc != 0) { EBUF_PREPEND("removing UBI volumes"); goto err; } rc = process_ubi_volumes(pfi, curr_seqnum, pfi_ubis, bootenv, pdd_f, UBI_WRITE, err_buf, err_buf_size); if (rc != 0) { EBUF_PREPEND("writing UBI volumes"); goto err; } if (seqnum < 0) { /* mirror redundant pairs */ rc = mirror_ubi_volumes(EXAMPLE_UBI_DEVICE, pfi_ubis, err_buf, err_buf_size); if (rc != 0) { EBUF_PREPEND("mirroring UBI volumes"); goto err; } } } else { /* only compare volumes, don't alter the content */ rc = process_ubi_volumes(pfi, curr_seqnum, pfi_ubis, bootenv, pdd_f, UBI_COMPARE, err_buf, err_buf_size); if (rc == -PFIFLASH_CMP_DIFF) /* update is necessary, return positive value */ rc = 1; if (rc < 0) { EBUF_PREPEND("comparing UBI volumes"); goto err; } } err: pfi_raws = remove_all((free_func_t)&free_pfi_raw, pfi_raws); pfi_ubis = remove_all((free_func_t)&free_pfi_ubi, pfi_ubis); bootenv_destroy(&bootenv); return rc; } /** * pfiflash - passes to pfiflash_with_options * @pfi PFI data file pointer * @complete flag to erase unmapped volumes * @seqnum sequence number * @pdd_handling method to handle pdd (keep, merge, overwrite...) **/ int pfiflash(FILE* pfi, int complete, int seqnum, pdd_handling_t pdd_handling, char *err_buf, size_t err_buf_size) { return pfiflash_with_options(pfi, complete, seqnum, 0, pdd_handling, NULL, err_buf, err_buf_size); }