 * Copyright (C) 2008 Nokia Corporation.
 * Copyright (C) 2008 University of Szeged, Hungary
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
 * more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
 * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
 * Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
 * Authors: Adrian Hunter
 *          Artem Bityutskiy
 *          Zoltan Sogor

#include "mkfs.ubifs.h"

#define PROGRAM_VERSION "1.0"

/* Size (prime number) of hash table for link counting */
#define HASH_TABLE_SIZE 10099

/* The node buffer must allow for worst case compression */

/* Default time granularity in nanoseconds */
#define DEFAULT_TIME_GRAN 1000000000

 * struct idx_entry - index entry.
 * @next: next index entry (NULL at end of list)
 * @prev: previous index entry (NULL at beginning of list)
 * @key: key
 * @name: directory entry name used for sorting colliding keys by name
 * @lnum: LEB number
 * @offs: offset
 * @len: length
 * The index is recorded as a linked list which is sorted and used to create
 * the bottom level of the on-flash index tree. The remaining levels of the
 * index tree are each built from the level below.
struct idx_entry {
	struct idx_entry *next;
	struct idx_entry *prev;
	union ubifs_key key;
	char *name;
	int lnum;
	int offs;
	int len;

 * struct inum_mapping - inode number mapping for link counting.
 * @next: next inum_mapping (NULL at end of list)
 * @prev: previous inum_mapping (NULL at beginning of list)
 * @dev: source device on which the source inode number resides
 * @inum: source inode number of the file
 * @use_inum: target inode number of the file
 * @use_nlink: number of links
 * @path_name: a path name of the file
 * @st: struct stat object containing inode attributes which have to be used
 *      when the inode is being created (actually only UID, GID, access
 *      mode, major and minor device numbers)
 * If a file has more than one hard link, then the number of hard links that
 * exist in the source directory hierarchy must be counted to exclude the
 * possibility that the file is linked from outside the source directory
 * hierarchy.
 * The inum_mappings are stored in a hash_table of linked lists.
struct inum_mapping {
	struct inum_mapping *next;
	struct inum_mapping *prev;
	dev_t dev;
	ino_t inum;
	ino_t use_inum;
	unsigned int use_nlink;
	char *path_name;
	struct stat st;

 * Because we copy functions from the kernel, we use a subset of the UBIFS
 * file-system description object struct ubifs_info.
static struct ubifs_info info_, *c = &info_;

/* Debug levels are: 0 (none), 1 (statistics), 2 (files) ,3 (more details) */
int debug_level;
int verbose;

static char *root;
static int root_len;
static struct stat root_st;
static char *output;
static int out_fd;
static int squash_owner;

/* The 'head' (position) which nodes are written */
static int head_lnum;
static int head_offs;
static int head_flags;

/* The index list */
static struct idx_entry *idx_list_first;
static struct idx_entry *idx_list_last;
static size_t idx_cnt;

/* Global buffers */
static void *leb_buf;
static void *node_buf;
static void *block_buf;

/* Hash table for inode link counting */
static struct inum_mapping **hash_table;

/* Inode creation sequence number */
static unsigned long long creat_sqnum;

static const char *optstring = "d:r:m:o:D:h?vVe:c:g:f:P:k:x:j:l:j:U";

static const struct option longopts[] = {
	{"root",          1, NULL, 'r'},
	{"min-io-size",   1, NULL, 'm'},
	{"leb-size",      1, NULL, 'e'},
	{"max-leb-cnt",   1, NULL, 'c'},
	{"output",        1, NULL, 'o'},
	{"devtable",      1, NULL, 'D'},
	{"help",          0, NULL, 'h'},
	{"verbose",       0, NULL, 'v'},
	{"version",       0, NULL, 'V'},
	{"debug-level",   1, NULL, 'g'},
	{"jrn-size",      1, NULL, 'j'},
	{"compr",         1, NULL, 'x'},
	{"fanout",        1, NULL, 'f'},
	{"keyhash",       1, NULL, 'k'},
	{"log-lebs",      1, NULL, 'l'},
	{"orph-lebs",     1, NULL, 'p'},
	{"squash-uids" ,  0, NULL, 'U'},
	{NULL, 0, NULL, 0}

static const char *helptext =
"Usage: mkfs.ubifs [OPTIONS]\n"
"Make a UBIFS file system image from an existing directory tree\n\n"
"-r, -d, --root=DIR       build file system from directory DIR\n"
"-m, --min-io-size=SIZE   minimum I/O unit size\n"
"-e, --leb-size=SIZE      logical erase block size\n"
"-c, --max-leb-cnt=COUNT  maximum logical erase block count\n"
"-o, --output=FILE        output to FILE\n"
"-j, --jrn-size=SIZE      journal size\n"
"-x, --compr=TYPE         compression type - \"lzo\", \"zlib\" or \"none\"\n"
"                         (default: \"lzo\")\n"
"-f, --fanout=NUM         fanout NUM (default: 8)\n"
"-k, --keyhash=TYPE       key hash type - \"r5\" or \"test\" (default: \"r5\")\n"
"-p, --orph-lebs=COUNT    count of erase blocks for orphans (default: 1)\n"
"-D, --devtable=FILE      use device table FILE\n"
"-U, --squash-uids        squash owners making all files owned by root\n"
"-l, --log-lebs=COUNT     count of erase blocks for the log (used only for\n"
"                         debugging)\n"
"-v, --verbose            verbose operation\n"
"-V, --version            display version information\n"
"-g, --debug=LEVEL        display debug information (0 - none, 1 - statistics,\n"
"                         2 - files, 3 - more details)\n"
"-h, --help               display this help text\n\n"
"Note, SIZE is specified in bytes, but it may also be specified in Kilobytes,\n"
"Megabytes, and Gigabytes if a KiB, MiB, or GiB suffix is used.\n";

 * make_path - make a path name from a directory and a name.
 * @dir: directory path name
 * @name: name
static char *make_path(const char *dir, const char *name)
	char *s;

	s = malloc(strlen(dir) + strlen(name) + 2);
	if (!s)
		return NULL;
	strcpy(s, dir);
	if (dir[strlen(dir) - 1] != '/')
		strcat(s, "/");
	strcat(s, name);
	return s;

 * same_dir - determine if two file descriptors refer to the same directory.
 * @fd1: file descriptor 1
 * @fd2: file descriptor 2
static int same_dir(int fd1, int fd2)
	struct stat stat1, stat2;

	if (fstat(fd1, &stat1) == -1)
		return -1;
	if (fstat(fd2, &stat2) == -1)
		return -1;
	return stat1.st_dev == stat2.st_dev && stat1.st_ino == stat2.st_ino;

 * do_openat - open a file in a directory.
 * @fd: file descriptor of open directory
 * @path: path relative to directory
 * @flags: open flags
 * This function is provided because the library function openat is sometimes
 * not available.
static int do_openat(int fd, const char *path, int flags)
	int ret;
	char *cwd;

	cwd = getcwd(NULL, 0);
	if (!cwd)
		return -1;
	ret = fchdir(fd);
	if (ret != -1)
		ret = open(path, flags);
	return ret;

 * in_path - determine if a file is beneath a directory.
 * @dir_name: directory path name
 * @file_name: file path name
static int in_path(const char *dir_name, const char *file_name)
	char *fn = strdup(file_name);
	char *dn;
	int fd1, fd2, fd3, ret = -1, top_fd;

	if (!fn)
		return -1;
	top_fd = open("/", O_RDONLY);
	if (top_fd != -1) {
		dn = dirname(fn);
		fd1 = open(dir_name, O_RDONLY);
		if (fd1 != -1) {
			fd2 = open(dn, O_RDONLY);
			if (fd2 != -1) {
				while (1) {
					int same;

					same = same_dir(fd1, fd2);
					if (same) {
						ret = same;
					if (same_dir(fd2, top_fd)) {
						ret = 0;
					fd3 = do_openat(fd2, "..", O_RDONLY);
					if (fd3 == -1)
					fd2 = fd3;
	return ret;

 * calc_min_log_lebs - calculate the minimum number of log LEBs needed.
 * @max_bud_bytes: journal size (buds only)
static int calc_min_log_lebs(unsigned long long max_bud_bytes)
	int buds, log_lebs;
	unsigned long long log_size;

	buds = (max_bud_bytes + c->leb_size - 1) / c->leb_size;
	log_size = ALIGN(UBIFS_REF_NODE_SZ, c->min_io_size);
	log_size *= buds;
	log_size += ALIGN(UBIFS_CS_NODE_SZ +
			  UBIFS_REF_NODE_SZ * (c->jhead_cnt + 2),
	log_lebs = (log_size + c->leb_size - 1) / c->leb_size;
	log_lebs += 1;
	return log_lebs;

static inline int is_power_of_2(unsigned long long n)
                return (n != 0 && ((n & (n - 1)) == 0));

static int validate_options(void)
	int tmp;

	if (!root)
		return err_msg("root directory was not specified");
	if (!output)
		return err_msg("no output file specified");
	if (in_path(root, output))
		return err_msg("output file cannot be in the UBIFS root "
	if (!is_power_of_2(c->min_io_size))
		return err_msg("min. I/O unit size should be power of 2");
	if (c->leb_size < c->min_io_size)
		return err_msg("min. I/O unit cannot be larger than LEB size");
	if (c->leb_size < UBIFS_MIN_LEB_SZ)
		return err_msg("too smal LEB size %d, minimum is %d",
			       c->min_io_size, UBIFS_MIN_LEB_SZ);
	if (c->leb_size % c->min_io_size)
		return err_msg("LEB should be multiple of min. I/O units");
	if (c->leb_size % 8)
		return err_msg("LEB size has to be multiple of 8");
	if (c->leb_size > 1024*1024)
		return err_msg("too large LEB size %d", c->leb_size);
	if (c->max_leb_cnt < UBIFS_MIN_LEB_CNT)
		return err_msg("too low max. count of LEBs, minimum is %d",
	if (c->fanout < UBIFS_MIN_FANOUT)
		return err_msg("too low fanout, minimum is %d",
	tmp = c->leb_size - UBIFS_IDX_NODE_SZ;
	if (c->fanout > tmp)
		return err_msg("too high fanout, maximum is %d", tmp);
	if (c->log_lebs < UBIFS_MIN_LOG_LEBS)
		return err_msg("too few log LEBs, minimum is %d",
	if (c->log_lebs >= c->max_leb_cnt - UBIFS_MIN_LEB_CNT)
		return err_msg("too many log LEBs, maximum is %d",
			       c->max_leb_cnt - UBIFS_MIN_LEB_CNT);
	if (c->orph_lebs < UBIFS_MIN_ORPH_LEBS)
		return err_msg("too few orphan LEBs, minimum is %d",
	if (c->orph_lebs >= c->max_leb_cnt - UBIFS_MIN_LEB_CNT)
		return err_msg("too many orphan LEBs, maximum is %d",
			       c->max_leb_cnt - UBIFS_MIN_LEB_CNT);
	tmp = UBIFS_SB_LEBS + UBIFS_MST_LEBS + c->log_lebs + c->lpt_lebs;
	tmp += c->orph_lebs + 4;
	if (tmp > c->max_leb_cnt)
		return err_msg("too low max. count of LEBs, expected at "
			       "least %d", tmp);
	tmp = calc_min_log_lebs(c->max_bud_bytes);
	if (c->log_lebs < calc_min_log_lebs(c->max_bud_bytes))
		return err_msg("too few log LEBs, expected at least %d",
	return 0;

 * get_multiplier - convert size specifier to an integer multiplier.
 * @str: the size specifier string
 * This function parses the @str size specifier, which may be one of
 * 'KiB', 'MiB', or 'GiB' into an integer multiplier. Returns positive
 * size multiplier in case of success and %-1 in case of failure.
static int get_multiplier(const char *str)
	if (!str)
		return 1;

	/* Remove spaces before the specifier */
	while (*str == ' ' || *str == '\t')
		str += 1;

	if (!strcmp(str, "KiB"))
		return 1024;
	if (!strcmp(str, "MiB"))
		return 1024 * 1024;
	if (!strcmp(str, "GiB"))
		return 1024 * 1024 * 1024;

	return -1;

 * get_bytes - convert a string containing amount of bytes into an
 *             integer.
 * @str: string to convert
 * This function parses @str which may have one of 'KiB', 'MiB', or 'GiB' size
 * specifiers. Returns positive amount of bytes in case of success and %-1 in
 * case of failure.
static long long get_bytes(const char *str)
	char *endp;
	long long bytes = strtoull(str, &endp, 0);

	if (endp == str || bytes < 0)
		return err_msg("incorrect amount of bytes: \"%s\"", str);

	if (*endp != '\0') {
		int mult = get_multiplier(endp);

		if (mult == -1)
			return err_msg("bad size specifier: \"%s\" - "
				       "should be 'KiB', 'MiB' or 'GiB'", endp);
		bytes *= mult;

	return bytes;

static int get_options(int argc, char**argv)
	int opt, i;
	const char *tbl_file = NULL;
	struct stat st;
	char *endp;

	c->fanout = 8;
	c->orph_lebs = 1;
	c->key_hash = key_r5_hash;
	c->key_len = UBIFS_SK_LEN;
	c->default_compr = UBIFS_COMPR_LZO;
	c->lsave_cnt = 256;
	c->leb_size = -1;
	c->min_io_size = -1;
	c->max_leb_cnt = -1;
	c->max_bud_bytes = -1;
	c->log_lebs = -1;

	while (1) {
		opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, optstring, longopts, &i);
		if (opt == -1)
		switch (opt) {
		case 'r':
		case 'd':
			root_len = strlen(optarg);
			root = malloc(root_len + 2);
			if (!root)
				return err_msg("cannot allocate memory");

			 * The further code expects '/' at the end of the root
			 * UBIFS directory on the host.
			memcpy(root, optarg, root_len);
			if (root[root_len - 1] != '/')
				root[root_len++] = '/';
			root[root_len] = 0;

			/* Make sure the root directory exists */
			if (stat(root, &st))
				return sys_err_msg("bad root directory '%s'",
		case 'm':
			c->min_io_size = get_bytes(optarg);
			if (c->min_io_size <= 0)
				return err_msg("bad min. I/O size");
		case 'e':
			c->leb_size = get_bytes(optarg);
			if (c->leb_size <= 0)
				return err_msg("bad LEB size");
		case 'c':
			c->max_leb_cnt = get_bytes(optarg);
			if (c->max_leb_cnt <= 0)
				return err_msg("bad maximum LEB count");
		case 'o':
			output = strdup(optarg);
		case 'D':
			tbl_file = optarg;
			if (stat(tbl_file, &st) < 0)
				return sys_err_msg("bad device table file '%s'",
		case 'h':
		case '?':
		case 'v':
			verbose = 1;
		case 'V':
			printf("Version " PROGRAM_VERSION "\n");
		case 'g':
			debug_level = strtol(optarg, &endp, 0);
			if (*endp != '\0' || endp == optarg ||
			    debug_level < 0 || debug_level > 3)
				return err_msg("bad debugging level '%s'",
		case 'f':
			c->fanout = strtol(optarg, &endp, 0);
			if (*endp != '\0' || endp == optarg || c->fanout <= 0)
				return err_msg("bad fanout %s", optarg);
		case 'l':
			c->log_lebs = strtol(optarg, &endp, 0);
			if (*endp != '\0' || endp == optarg || c->log_lebs <= 0)
				return err_msg("bad count of log LEBs '%s'",
		case 'p':
			c->orph_lebs = strtol(optarg, &endp, 0);
			if (*endp != '\0' || endp == optarg ||
			    c->orph_lebs <= 0)
				return err_msg("bad orphan LEB count '%s'",
		case 'k':
			if (strcmp(optarg, "r5") == 0) {
				c->key_hash = key_r5_hash;
				c->key_hash_type = UBIFS_KEY_HASH_R5;
			} else if (strcmp(optarg, "test") == 0) {
				c->key_hash = key_test_hash;
				c->key_hash_type = UBIFS_KEY_HASH_TEST;
			} else
				return err_msg("bad key hash");
		case 'x':
			if (strcmp(optarg, "lzo") == 0)
				c->default_compr = UBIFS_COMPR_LZO;
			else if (strcmp(optarg, "zlib") == 0)
				c->default_compr = UBIFS_COMPR_ZLIB;
			else if (strcmp(optarg, "none") == 0)
				c->default_compr = UBIFS_COMPR_NONE;
				return err_msg("bad compressor name");
		case 'j':
			c->max_bud_bytes = get_bytes(optarg);
			if (c->max_bud_bytes <= 0)
				return err_msg("bad maximum amount of buds");
		case 'U':
			squash_owner = 1;

	if (c->min_io_size == -1)
		return err_msg("min. I/O unit was not specified "
			       "(use -h for help)");

	if (c->leb_size == -1)
		return err_msg("LEB size was not specified (use -h for help)");

	if (c->max_leb_cnt == -1)
		return err_msg("Maximum count of LEBs was not specified "
			       "(use -h for help)");

	if (c->max_bud_bytes == -1) {
		int lebs;

		lebs = c->max_leb_cnt - UBIFS_SB_LEBS - UBIFS_MST_LEBS;
		lebs -= c->orph_lebs;
		if (c->log_lebs != -1)
			lebs -= c->log_lebs;
			lebs -= UBIFS_MIN_LOG_LEBS;
		 * We do not know lprops geometry so far, so assume minimum
		 * count of lprops LEBs.
		/* Make the journal about 12.5% of main area lebs */
		c->max_bud_bytes = (lebs / 8) * (long long)c->leb_size;
		/* Make the max journal size 8MiB */
		if (c->max_bud_bytes > 8 * 1024 * 1024)
			c->max_bud_bytes = 8 * 1024 * 1024;
		if (c->max_bud_bytes < 4 * c->leb_size)
			c->max_bud_bytes = 4 * c->leb_size;

	if (c->log_lebs == -1) {
		c->log_lebs = calc_min_log_lebs(c->max_bud_bytes);
		c->log_lebs += 2;

	if (verbose) {
		printf("\troot:         %s\n", root);
		printf("\tmin_io_size:  %d\n", c->min_io_size);
		printf("\tleb_size:     %d\n", c->leb_size);
		printf("\tmax_leb_cnt:  %d\n", c->max_leb_cnt);
		printf("\toutput:       %s\n", output);
		printf("\tjrn_size:     %llu\n", c->max_bud_bytes);
		switch (c->default_compr) {
			printf("\tcompr:        lzo\n");
			printf("\tcompr:        zlib\n");
			printf("\tcompr:        none\n");
		printf("\tkeyhash:      %s\n", (c->key_hash == key_r5_hash) ?
						"r5" : "test");
		printf("\tfanout:       %d\n", c->fanout);
		printf("\torph_lebs:    %d\n", c->orph_lebs);

	if (c->min_io_size < 8)
		c->min_io_size = 8;

	if (validate_options())
		return -1;

	if (tbl_file && parse_devtable(root, tbl_file))
		return err_msg("cannot parse device table file '%s'", tbl_file);

	return 0;

 * prepare_node - fill in the common header.
 * @node: node
 * @len: node length
static void prepare_node(void *node, int len)
	uint32_t crc;
	struct ubifs_ch *ch = node;

	ch->magic = cpu_to_le32(UBIFS_NODE_MAGIC);
	ch->len = cpu_to_le32(len);
	ch->group_type = UBIFS_NO_NODE_GROUP;
	ch->sqnum = cpu_to_le64(++c->max_sqnum);
	ch->padding[0] = ch->padding[1] = 0;
	crc = crc32(UBIFS_CRC32_INIT, node + 8, len - 8);
	ch->crc = cpu_to_le32(crc);

 * write_leb - copy the image of a LEB to the output file.
 * @lnum: LEB number
 * @len: length of data in the buffer
 * @buf: buffer (must be at least c->leb_size bytes)
int write_leb(int lnum, int len, void *buf)
	off64_t pos = (off64_t)lnum * c->leb_size;

	dbg_msg(3, "LEB %d len %d", lnum, len);
	if (lseek64(out_fd, pos, SEEK_SET) != pos)
		return sys_err_msg("lseek64 failed seeking %lld", pos);

	memset(buf + len, 0xff, c->leb_size - len);

	if (write(out_fd, buf, c->leb_size) != c->leb_size)
		return sys_err_msg("write failed writing %d bytes at pos %lld",
				   c->leb_size, pos);

	return 0;

 * write_empty_leb - copy the image of an empty LEB to the output file.
 * @lnum: LEB number
static int write_empty_leb(int lnum)
	return write_leb(lnum, 0, leb_buf);

 * do_pad - pad a buffer to the minimum I/O size.
 * @buf: buffer
 * @len: buffer length
static int do_pad(void *buf, int len)
	int pad_len, alen = ALIGN(len, 8), wlen = ALIGN(alen, c->min_io_size);
	uint32_t crc;

	memset(buf + len, 0xff, alen - len);
	pad_len = wlen - alen;
	dbg_msg(3, "len %d pad_len %d", len, pad_len);
	buf += alen;
	if (pad_len >= UBIFS_PAD_NODE_SZ) {
		struct ubifs_ch *ch = buf;
		struct ubifs_pad_node *pad_node = buf;

		ch->magic      = cpu_to_le32(UBIFS_NODE_MAGIC);
		ch->node_type  = UBIFS_PAD_NODE;
		ch->group_type = UBIFS_NO_NODE_GROUP;
		ch->padding[0] = ch->padding[1] = 0;
		ch->sqnum      = cpu_to_le64(0);
		ch->len        = cpu_to_le32(UBIFS_PAD_NODE_SZ);

		pad_len -= UBIFS_PAD_NODE_SZ;
		pad_node->pad_len = cpu_to_le32(pad_len);

		crc = crc32(UBIFS_CRC32_INIT, buf + 8, UBIFS_PAD_NODE_SZ - 8);
		ch->crc = cpu_to_le32(crc);

		memset(buf + UBIFS_PAD_NODE_SZ, 0, pad_len);
	} else if (pad_len > 0)
		memset(buf, UBIFS_PADDING_BYTE, pad_len);

	return wlen;

 * write_node - write a node to a LEB.
 * @node: node
 * @len: node length
 * @lnum: LEB number
static int write_node(void *node, int len, int lnum)
	prepare_node(node, len);

	memcpy(leb_buf, node, len);

	len = do_pad(leb_buf, len);

	return write_leb(lnum, len, leb_buf);

 * calc_dark - calculate LEB dark space size.
 * @c: the UBIFS file-system description object
 * @spc: amount of free and dirty space in the LEB
 * This function calculates amount of dark space in an LEB which has @spc bytes
 * of free and dirty space. Returns the calculations result.
 * Dark space is the space which is not always usable - it depends on which
 * nodes are written in which order. E.g., if an LEB has only 512 free bytes,
 * it is dark space, because it cannot fit a large data node. So UBIFS cannot
 * count on this LEB and treat these 512 bytes as usable because it is not true
 * if, for example, only big chunks of uncompressible data will be written to
 * the FS.
static int calc_dark(struct ubifs_info *c, int spc)
	if (spc < c->dark_wm)
		return spc;

	 * If we have slightly more space then the dark space watermark, we can
	 * anyway safely assume it we'll be able to write a node of the
	 * smallest size there.
	if (spc - c->dark_wm < MIN_WRITE_SZ)
		return spc - MIN_WRITE_SZ;

	return c->dark_wm;

 * set_lprops - set the LEB property values for a LEB.
 * @lnum: LEB number
 * @offs: end offset of data in the LEB
 * @flags: LEB property flags
static void set_lprops(int lnum, int offs, int flags)
	int i = lnum - c->main_first, free, dirty;
	int a = max_t(int, c->min_io_size, 8);

	free = c->leb_size - ALIGN(offs, a);
	dirty = c->leb_size - free - ALIGN(offs, 8);
	dbg_msg(3, "LEB %d free %d dirty %d flags %d", lnum, free, dirty,
	c->lpt[i].free = free;
	c->lpt[i].dirty = dirty;
	c->lpt[i].flags = flags;
	c->lst.total_free += free;
	c->lst.total_dirty += dirty;
	if (flags & LPROPS_INDEX)
		c->lst.idx_lebs += 1;
	else {
		int spc;

		spc = free + dirty;
		if (spc < c->dead_wm)
			c->lst.total_dead += spc;
			c->lst.total_dark += calc_dark(c, spc);
		c->lst.total_used += c->leb_size - spc;

 * add_to_index - add a node key and position to the index.
 * @key: node key
 * @lnum: node LEB number
 * @offs: node offset
 * @len: node length
static int add_to_index(union ubifs_key *key, char *name, int lnum, int offs,
			int len)
	struct idx_entry *e;

	dbg_msg(3, "LEB %d offs %d len %d", lnum, offs, len);
	e = malloc(sizeof(struct idx_entry));
	if (!e)
		return err_msg("out of memory");
	e->next = NULL;
	e->prev = idx_list_last;
	e->key = *key;
	e->name = name;
	e->lnum = lnum;
	e->offs = offs;
	e->len = len;
	if (!idx_list_first)
		idx_list_first = e;
	if (idx_list_last)
		idx_list_last->next = e;
	idx_list_last = e;
	idx_cnt += 1;
	return 0;

 * flush_nodes - write the current head and move the head to the next LEB.
static int flush_nodes(void)
	int len, err;

	if (!head_offs)
		return 0;
	len = do_pad(leb_buf, head_offs);
	err = write_leb(head_lnum, len, leb_buf);
	if (err)
		return err;
	set_lprops(head_lnum, head_offs, head_flags);
	head_lnum += 1;
	head_offs = 0;
	return 0;

 * reserve_space - reserve space for a node on the head.
 * @len: node length
 * @lnum: LEB number is returned here
 * @offs: offset is returned here
static int reserve_space(int len, int *lnum, int *offs)
	int err;

	if (len > c->leb_size - head_offs) {
		err = flush_nodes();
		if (err)
			return err;
	*lnum = head_lnum;
	*offs = head_offs;
	head_offs += ALIGN(len, 8);
	return 0;

 * add_node - write a node to the head.
 * @key: node key
 * @node: node
 * @len: node length
static int add_node(union ubifs_key *key, char *name, void *node, int len)
	int err, lnum, offs;

	prepare_node(node, len);

	err = reserve_space(len, &lnum, &offs);
	if (err)
		return err;

	memcpy(leb_buf + offs, node, len);
	memset(leb_buf + offs + len, 0xff, ALIGN(len, 8) - len);

	add_to_index(key, name, lnum, offs, len);

	return 0;

 * add_inode_with_data - write an inode.
 * @st: stat information of source inode
 * @inum: target inode number
 * @data: inode data (for special inodes e.g. symlink path etc)
 * @data_len: inode data length
 * @flags: source inode flags
static int add_inode_with_data(struct stat *st, ino_t inum, void *data,
			       unsigned int data_len, int flags)
	struct ubifs_ino_node *ino = node_buf;
	union ubifs_key key;
	int len, use_flags = 0;

	if (c->default_compr != UBIFS_COMPR_NONE)
		use_flags |= UBIFS_COMPR_FL;
	if (flags & FS_COMPR_FL)
		use_flags |= UBIFS_COMPR_FL;
	if (flags & FS_SYNC_FL)
		use_flags |= UBIFS_SYNC_FL;
	if (flags & FS_IMMUTABLE_FL)
		use_flags |= UBIFS_IMMUTABLE_FL;
	if (flags & FS_APPEND_FL)
		use_flags |= UBIFS_APPEND_FL;
	if (flags & FS_DIRSYNC_FL && S_ISDIR(st->st_mode))
		use_flags |= UBIFS_DIRSYNC_FL;

	memset(ino, 0, UBIFS_INO_NODE_SZ);

	ino_key_init(c, &key, inum);
	ino->ch.node_type = UBIFS_INO_NODE;
	key_write(c, &key, &ino->key);
	ino->creat_sqnum = cpu_to_le64(creat_sqnum);
	ino->size       = cpu_to_le64(st->st_size);
	ino->nlink      = cpu_to_le32(st->st_nlink);
	 * The time fields are updated assuming the default time granularity
	 * of 1 second. To support finer granularities, utime() would be needed.
	ino->atime_sec  = cpu_to_le64(st->st_atime);
	ino->ctime_sec  = cpu_to_le64(st->st_ctime);
	ino->mtime_sec  = cpu_to_le64(st->st_mtime);
	ino->atime_nsec = 0;
	ino->ctime_nsec = 0;
	ino->mtime_nsec = 0;
	ino->uid        = cpu_to_le32(st->st_uid);
	ino->gid        = cpu_to_le32(st->st_gid);
	ino->uid        = cpu_to_le32(st->st_uid);
	ino->gid        = cpu_to_le32(st->st_gid);
	ino->mode       = cpu_to_le32(st->st_mode);
	ino->flags      = cpu_to_le32(use_flags);
	ino->data_len   = cpu_to_le32(data_len);
	ino->compr_type = cpu_to_le16(c->default_compr);
	if (data_len)
		memcpy(&ino->data, data, data_len);

	len = UBIFS_INO_NODE_SZ + data_len;

	return add_node(&key, NULL, ino, len);

 * add_inode - write an inode.
 * @st: stat information of source inode
 * @inum: target inode number
 * @flags: source inode flags
static int add_inode(struct stat *st, ino_t inum, int flags)
	return add_inode_with_data(st, inum, NULL, 0, flags);

 * add_dir_inode - write an inode for a directory.
 * @dir: source directory
 * @inum: target inode number
 * @size: target directory size
 * @nlink: target directory link count
 * @st: struct stat object describing attributes (except size and nlink) of the
 *      target inode to create
 * Note, this function may be called with %NULL @dir, when the directory which
 * is being created does not exist at the host file system, but is defined by
 * the device table.
static int add_dir_inode(DIR *dir, ino_t inum, loff_t size, unsigned int nlink,
			 struct stat *st)
	int fd, flags = 0;

	st->st_size = size;
	st->st_nlink = nlink;

	if (dir) {
		fd = dirfd(dir);
		if (fd == -1)
			return sys_err_msg("dirfd failed");
		if (ioctl(fd, FS_IOC_GETFLAGS, &flags) == -1)
			flags = 0;

	return add_inode(st, inum, flags);

 * add_dev_inode - write an inode for a character or block device.
 * @st: stat information of source inode
 * @inum: target inode number
 * @flags: source inode flags
static int add_dev_inode(struct stat *st, ino_t inum, int flags)
	union ubifs_dev_desc dev;

	dev.huge = cpu_to_le64(makedev(major(st->st_rdev), minor(st->st_rdev)));
	return add_inode_with_data(st, inum, &dev, 8, flags);

 * add_symlink_inode - write an inode for a symbolic link.
 * @path_name: path name of symbolic link inode itself (not the link target)
 * @st: stat information of source inode
 * @inum: target inode number
 * @flags: source inode flags
static int add_symlink_inode(const char *path_name, struct stat *st, ino_t inum,
			     int flags)
	char buf[UBIFS_MAX_INO_DATA + 2];
	ssize_t len;

	/* Take the symlink as is */
	len = readlink(path_name, buf, UBIFS_MAX_INO_DATA + 1);
	if (len <= 0)
		return sys_err_msg("readlink failed for %s", path_name);
	if (len > UBIFS_MAX_INO_DATA)
		return err_msg("symlink too long for %s", path_name);

	return add_inode_with_data(st, inum, buf, len, flags);

 * add_dent_node - write a directory entry node.
 * @dir_inum: target inode number of directory
 * @name: directory entry name
 * @inum: target inode number of the directory entry
 * @type: type of the target inode
static int add_dent_node(ino_t dir_inum, const char *name, ino_t inum,
			 unsigned char type)
	struct ubifs_dent_node *dent = node_buf;
	union ubifs_key key;
	struct qstr dname;
	char *kname;
	int len;

	dbg_msg(3, "%s ino %lu type %u dir ino %lu", name, inum,
		(unsigned)type, dir_inum);
	memset(dent, 0, UBIFS_DENT_NODE_SZ);

	dname.name = (void *)name;
	dname.len = strlen(name);

	dent->ch.node_type = UBIFS_DENT_NODE;

	dent_key_init(c, &key, dir_inum, &dname);
	key_write(c, &key, dent->key);
	dent->inum = cpu_to_le64(inum);
	dent->padding1 = 0;
	dent->type = type;
	dent->nlen = cpu_to_le16(dname.len);
	memcpy(dent->name, dname.name, dname.len);
	dent->name[dname.len] = '\0';

	len = UBIFS_DENT_NODE_SZ + dname.len + 1;

	kname = strdup(name);
	if (!kname)
		return err_msg("cannot allocate memory");

	return add_node(&key, kname, dent, len);

 * lookup_inum_mapping - add an inode mapping for link counting.
 * @dev: source device on which source inode number resides
 * @inum: source inode number
static struct inum_mapping *lookup_inum_mapping(dev_t dev, ino_t inum)
	struct inum_mapping *im;
	unsigned int k;

	k = inum % HASH_TABLE_SIZE;
	im = hash_table[k];
	while (im) {
		if (im->dev == dev && im->inum == inum)
			return im;
		im = im->next;
	im = malloc(sizeof(struct inum_mapping));
	if (!im)
		return NULL;
	im->next = hash_table[k];
	im->prev = NULL;
	im->dev = dev;
	im->inum = inum;
	im->use_inum = 0;
	im->use_nlink = 0;
	if (hash_table[k])
		hash_table[k]->prev = im;
	hash_table[k] = im;
	return im;

 * all_zero - does a buffer contain only zero bytes.
 * @buf: buffer
 * @len: buffer length
static int all_zero(void *buf, int len)
	unsigned char *p = buf;

	while (len--)
		if (*p++ != 0)
			return 0;
	return 1;

 * add_file - write the data of a file and its inode to the output file.
 * @path_name: source path name
 * @st: source inode stat information
 * @inum: target inode number
 * @flags: source inode flags
static int add_file(const char *path_name, struct stat *st, ino_t inum,
		    int flags)
	struct ubifs_data_node *dn = node_buf;
	void *buf = block_buf;
	loff_t file_size = 0;
	ssize_t ret, bytes_read;
	union ubifs_key key;
	int fd, dn_len, err, compr_type, use_compr;
	unsigned int block_no = 0;
	size_t out_len;

	fd = open(path_name, O_RDONLY | O_LARGEFILE);
	if (fd == -1)
		return sys_err_msg("failed to open file '%s'", path_name);
	do {
		/* Read next block */
		bytes_read = 0;
		do {
			ret = read(fd, buf + bytes_read,
				   UBIFS_BLOCK_SIZE - bytes_read);
			if (ret == -1) {
				sys_err_msg("failed to read file '%s'",
				return 1;
			bytes_read += ret;
		} while (ret != 0 && bytes_read != UBIFS_BLOCK_SIZE);
		if (bytes_read == 0)
		file_size += bytes_read;
		/* Skip holes */
		if (all_zero(buf, bytes_read)) {
			block_no += 1;
		/* Make data node */
		memset(dn, 0, UBIFS_DATA_NODE_SZ);
		data_key_init(c, &key, inum, block_no++);
		dn->ch.node_type = UBIFS_DATA_NODE;
		key_write(c, &key, &dn->key);
		dn->size = cpu_to_le32(bytes_read);
		if (c->default_compr == UBIFS_COMPR_NONE &&
		    (flags & FS_COMPR_FL))
			use_compr = UBIFS_COMPR_LZO;
			use_compr = c->default_compr;
		compr_type = compress_data(buf, bytes_read, &dn->data,
					   &out_len, use_compr);
		dn->compr_type = cpu_to_le16(compr_type);
		dn_len = UBIFS_DATA_NODE_SZ + out_len;
		/* Add data node to file system */
		err = add_node(&key, NULL, dn, dn_len);
		if (err) {
			return err;
	} while (ret != 0);
	if (close(fd) == -1)
		return sys_err_msg("failed to close file '%s'", path_name);
	if (file_size != st->st_size)
		return err_msg("file size changed during writing file '%s'",
	return add_inode(st, inum, flags);

 * add_non_dir - write a non-directory to the output file.
 * @path_name: source path name
 * @inum: target inode number is passed and returned here (due to link counting)
 * @nlink: number of links if known otherwise zero
 * @type: UBIFS inode type is returned here
 * @st: struct stat object containing inode attributes which should be use when
 *      creating the UBIFS inode
static int add_non_dir(const char *path_name, ino_t *inum, unsigned int nlink,
		       unsigned char *type, struct stat *st)
	int fd, flags = 0;

	dbg_msg(2, "%s", path_name);

	if (S_ISREG(st->st_mode)) {
		fd = open(path_name, O_RDONLY);
		if (fd == -1)
			return sys_err_msg("failed to open file '%s'",
		if (ioctl(fd, FS_IOC_GETFLAGS, &flags) == -1)
			flags = 0;
		if (close(fd) == -1)
			return sys_err_msg("failed to close file '%s'",
		*type = UBIFS_ITYPE_REG;
	} else if (S_ISCHR(st->st_mode))
		*type = UBIFS_ITYPE_CHR;
	else if (S_ISBLK(st->st_mode))
		*type = UBIFS_ITYPE_BLK;
	else if (S_ISLNK(st->st_mode))
		*type = UBIFS_ITYPE_LNK;
	else if (S_ISSOCK(st->st_mode))
	else if (S_ISFIFO(st->st_mode))
		return err_msg("file '%s' has unknown inode type", path_name);

	if (nlink)
		st->st_nlink = nlink;
	else if (st->st_nlink > 1) {
		 * If the number of links is greater than 1, then add this file
		 * later when we know the number of links that we actually have.
		 * For now, we just put the inode mapping in the hash table.
		struct inum_mapping *im;

		im = lookup_inum_mapping(st->st_dev, st->st_ino);
		if (!im)
			return err_msg("out of memory");
		if (im->use_nlink == 0) {
			/* New entry */
			im->use_inum = *inum;
			im->use_nlink = 1;
			im->path_name = malloc(strlen(path_name) + 1);
			if (!im->path_name)
				return err_msg("out of memory");
			strcpy(im->path_name, path_name);
		} else {
			/* Existing entry */
			*inum = im->use_inum;
			im->use_nlink += 1;
			/* Return unused inode number */
			c->highest_inum -= 1;

		memcpy(&im->st, st, sizeof(struct stat));
		return 0;
	} else
		st->st_nlink = 1;

	creat_sqnum = ++c->max_sqnum;

	if (S_ISREG(st->st_mode))
		return add_file(path_name, st, *inum, flags);
	if (S_ISCHR(st->st_mode))
		return add_dev_inode(st, *inum, flags);
	if (S_ISBLK(st->st_mode))
		return add_dev_inode(st, *inum, flags);
	if (S_ISLNK(st->st_mode))
		return add_symlink_inode(path_name, st, *inum, flags);
	if (S_ISSOCK(st->st_mode))
		return add_inode(st, *inum, flags);
	if (S_ISFIFO(st->st_mode))
		return add_inode(st, *inum, flags);

	return err_msg("file '%s' has unknown inode type", path_name);

 * add_directory - write a directory tree to the output file.
 * @dir_name: directory path name
 * @dir_inum: UBIFS inode number of directory
 * @st: directory inode statistics
 * @non_existing: non-zero if this function is called for a directory which
 *                does not exist on the host file-system and it is being
 *                created because it is defined in the device table file.
static int add_directory(const char *dir_name, ino_t dir_inum, struct stat *st,
			 int non_existing)
	struct dirent *entry;
	DIR *dir = NULL;
	int err = 0;
	loff_t size = UBIFS_INO_NODE_SZ;
	char *name = NULL;
	unsigned int nlink = 2;
	struct path_htbl_element *ph_elt;
	struct name_htbl_element *nh_elt = NULL;
	struct hashtable_itr *itr;
	ino_t inum;
	unsigned char type;
	unsigned long long dir_creat_sqnum = ++c->max_sqnum;

	dbg_msg(2, "%s", dir_name);
	if (!non_existing) {
		dir = opendir(dir_name);
		if (dir == NULL)
			return sys_err_msg("cannot open directory '%s'",

	 * Check whether this directory contains files which should be
	 * added/changed because they were specified in the device table.
	 * @ph_elt will be non-zero if yes.
	ph_elt = devtbl_find_path(dir_name + root_len - 1);

	 * Before adding the directory itself, we have to iterate over all the
	 * entries the device table adds to this directory and create them.
	for (; !non_existing;) {
		struct stat dent_st;

		errno = 0;
		entry = readdir(dir);
		if (!entry) {
			if (errno == 0)
			sys_err_msg("error reading directory '%s'", dir_name);
			err = -1;

		if (strcmp(".", entry->d_name) == 0)
		if (strcmp("..", entry->d_name) == 0)

		if (ph_elt)
			 * This directory was referred to at the device table
			 * file. Check if this directory entry is referred at
			 * too.
			nh_elt = devtbl_find_name(ph_elt, entry->d_name);

		 * We are going to create the file corresponding to this
		 * directory entry (@entry->d_name). We use 'struct stat'
		 * object to pass information about file attributes (actually
		 * only about UID, GID, mode, major, and minor). Get attributes
		 * for this file from the UBIFS rootfs on the host.
		name = make_path(dir_name, entry->d_name);
		if (lstat(name, &dent_st) == -1) {
			sys_err_msg("lstat failed for file '%s'", name);
			goto out_free;

		if (squash_owner)
			 * Squash UID/GID. But the device table may override
			 * this.
			dent_st.st_uid = dent_st.st_gid = 0;

		 * And if the device table describes the same file, override
		 * the attributes. However, this is not allowed for device node
		 * files.
		if (nh_elt && override_attributes(&dent_st, ph_elt, nh_elt))
			goto out_free;

		inum = ++c->highest_inum;

		if (S_ISDIR(dent_st.st_mode)) {
			err = add_directory(name, inum, &dent_st, 0);
			if (err)
				goto out_free;
			nlink += 1;
			type = UBIFS_ITYPE_DIR;
		} else {
			err = add_non_dir(name, &inum, 0, &type, &dent_st);
			if (err)
				goto out_free;

		err = add_dent_node(dir_inum, entry->d_name, inum, type);
		if (err)
			goto out_free;
		size += ALIGN(UBIFS_DENT_NODE_SZ + strlen(entry->d_name) + 1,

	 * OK, we have created all files in this directory (recursively), let's
	 * also create all files described in the device table. All t
	nh_elt = first_name_htbl_element(ph_elt, &itr);
	while (nh_elt) {
		struct stat fake_st;

		 * We prohibit creating regular files using the device table,
		 * the device table may only re-define attributes of regular
		 * files.
		if (S_ISREG(nh_elt->mode)) {
			err_msg("Bad device table entry %s/%s - it is "
				"prohibited to create regular files "
				"via device table",
				strcmp(ph_elt->path, "/") ? ph_elt->path : "",
			goto out_free;

		memcpy(&fake_st, &root_st, sizeof(struct stat));
		fake_st.st_uid  = nh_elt->uid;
		fake_st.st_uid  = nh_elt->uid;
		fake_st.st_mode = nh_elt->mode;
		fake_st.st_rdev = nh_elt->dev;
		fake_st.st_nlink = 1;

		name = make_path(dir_name, nh_elt->name);
		inum = ++c->highest_inum;

		if (S_ISDIR(nh_elt->mode)) {
			err = add_directory(name, inum, &fake_st, 1);
			if (err)
				goto out_free;
			nlink += 1;
			type = UBIFS_ITYPE_DIR;
		} else {
			err = add_non_dir(name, &inum, 0, &type, &fake_st);
			if (err)
				goto out_free;

		err = add_dent_node(dir_inum, nh_elt->name, inum, type);
		if (err)
			goto out_free;
		size += ALIGN(UBIFS_DENT_NODE_SZ + strlen(nh_elt->name) + 1, 8);

		nh_elt = next_name_htbl_element(ph_elt, &itr);

	creat_sqnum = dir_creat_sqnum;

	err = add_dir_inode(dir, dir_inum, size, nlink, st);
	if (err)
		goto out_free;

	if (!non_existing && closedir(dir) == -1)
		return sys_err_msg("error closing directory '%s'", dir_name);

	return 0;

	if (!non_existing)
	return -1;

 * add_multi_linked_files - write all the files for which we counted links.
static int add_multi_linked_files(void)
	int i, err;

	for (i = 0; i < HASH_TABLE_SIZE; i++) {
		struct inum_mapping *im;
		unsigned char type = 0;

		for (im = hash_table[i]; im; im = im->next) {
			dbg_msg(2, "%s", im->path_name);
			err = add_non_dir(im->path_name, &im->use_inum,
					  im->use_nlink, &type, &im->st);
			if (err)
				return err;
	return 0;

 * write_data - write the files and directories.
static int write_data(void)
	int err;

	err = stat(root, &root_st);
	if (err)
		return sys_err_msg("bad root file-system directory '%s'", root);
	root_st.st_uid = root_st.st_gid = 0;
	root_st.st_mode = S_IFDIR | S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO;

	head_flags = 0;
	err = add_directory(root, UBIFS_ROOT_INO, &root_st, 0);
	if (err)
		return err;
	err = add_multi_linked_files();
	if (err)
		return err;
	return flush_nodes();

static int namecmp(const char *name1, const char *name2)
	size_t len1 = strlen(name1), len2 = strlen(name2);
	size_t clen = (len1 < len2) ? len1 : len2;
	int cmp;

	cmp = memcmp(name1, name2, clen);
	if (cmp)
		return cmp;
	return (len1 < len2) ? -1 : 1;

static int cmp_idx(const void *a, const void *b)
	const struct idx_entry *e1 = *(const struct idx_entry **)a;
	const struct idx_entry *e2 = *(const struct idx_entry **)b;
	int cmp;

	cmp = keys_cmp(c, &e1->key, &e2->key);
	if (cmp)
		return cmp;
	return namecmp(e1->name, e2->name);

 * add_idx_node - write an index node to the head.
 * @node: index node
 * @child_cnt: number of children of this index node
static int add_idx_node(void *node, int child_cnt)
	int err, lnum, offs, len;

	len = ubifs_idx_node_sz(c, child_cnt);

	prepare_node(node, len);

	err = reserve_space(len, &lnum, &offs);
	if (err)
		return err;

	memcpy(leb_buf + offs, node, len);
	memset(leb_buf + offs + len, 0xff, ALIGN(len, 8) - len);

	c->old_idx_sz += ALIGN(len, 8);

	dbg_msg(3, "at %d:%d len %d index size %llu", lnum, offs, len,

	/* The last index node written will be the root */
	c->zroot.lnum = lnum;
	c->zroot.offs = offs;
	c->zroot.len = len;

	return 0;

 * write_index - write out the index.
static int write_index(void)
	size_t sz, i, cnt, idx_sz, pstep, bcnt;
	struct idx_entry **idx_ptr, **p;
	struct ubifs_idx_node *idx;
	struct ubifs_branch *br;
	int child_cnt, j, level, blnum, boffs, blen, blast_len, err;

	dbg_msg(1, "leaf node count: %d", idx_cnt);

	/* Reset the head for the index */
	head_flags = LPROPS_INDEX;
	/* Allocate index node */
	idx_sz = ubifs_idx_node_sz(c, c->fanout);
	idx = malloc(idx_sz);
	if (!idx)
		return err_msg("out of memory");
	/* Make an array of pointers to sort the index list */
	sz = idx_cnt * sizeof(struct idx_entry *);
	if (sz / sizeof(struct idx_entry *) != idx_cnt) {
		return err_msg("index is too big (%zu entries)", idx_cnt);
	idx_ptr = malloc(sz);
	if (!idx_ptr) {
		return err_msg("out of memory - needed %zu bytes for index",
	idx_ptr[0] = idx_list_first;
	for (i = 1; i < idx_cnt; i++)
		idx_ptr[i] = idx_ptr[i - 1]->next;
	qsort(idx_ptr, idx_cnt, sizeof(struct idx_entry *), cmp_idx);
	/* Write level 0 index nodes */
	cnt = idx_cnt / c->fanout;
	if (idx_cnt % c->fanout)
		cnt += 1;
	p = idx_ptr;
	blnum = head_lnum;
	boffs = head_offs;
	for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
		 * Calculate the child count. All index nodes are created full
		 * except for the last index node on each row.
		if (i == cnt - 1) {
			child_cnt = idx_cnt % c->fanout;
			if (child_cnt == 0)
				child_cnt = c->fanout;
		} else
			child_cnt = c->fanout;
		memset(idx, 0, idx_sz);
		idx->ch.node_type = UBIFS_IDX_NODE;
		idx->child_cnt = cpu_to_le16(child_cnt);
		idx->level = cpu_to_le16(0);
		for (j = 0; j < child_cnt; j++, p++) {
			br = ubifs_idx_branch(c, idx, j);
			key_write_idx(c, &(*p)->key, &br->key);
			br->lnum = cpu_to_le32((*p)->lnum);
			br->offs = cpu_to_le32((*p)->offs);
			br->len = cpu_to_le32((*p)->len);
		add_idx_node(idx, child_cnt);
	/* Write level 1 index nodes and above */
	level = 0;
	pstep = 1;
	while (cnt > 1) {
		 * 'blast_len' is the length of the last index node in the level
		 * below.
		blast_len = ubifs_idx_node_sz(c, child_cnt);
		/* 'bcnt' is the number of index nodes in the level below */
		bcnt = cnt;
		/* 'cnt' is the number of index nodes in this level */
		cnt = (cnt + c->fanout - 1) / c->fanout;
		if (cnt == 0)
			cnt = 1;
		level += 1;
		 * The key of an index node is the same as the key of its first
		 * child. Thus we can get the key by stepping along the bottom
		 * level 'p' with an increasing large step 'pstep'.
		p = idx_ptr;
		pstep *= c->fanout;
		for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
			 * Calculate the child count. All index nodes are
			 * created full except for the last index node on each
			 * row.
			if (i == cnt - 1) {
				child_cnt = bcnt % c->fanout;
				if (child_cnt == 0)
					child_cnt = c->fanout;
			} else
				child_cnt = c->fanout;
			memset(idx, 0, idx_sz);
			idx->ch.node_type = UBIFS_IDX_NODE;
			idx->child_cnt = cpu_to_le16(child_cnt);
			idx->level = cpu_to_le16(level);
			for (j = 0; j < child_cnt; j++) {
				size_t bn = i * c->fanout + j;

				 * The length of the index node in the level
				 * below is 'idx_sz' except when it is the last
				 * node on the row. i.e. all the others on the
				 * row are full.
				if (bn == bcnt - 1)
					blen = blast_len;
					blen = idx_sz;
				 * 'blnum' and 'boffs' hold the position of the
				 * index node on the level below.
				if (boffs + blen > c->leb_size) {
					blnum += 1;
					boffs = 0;
				 * Fill in the branch with the key and position
				 * of the index node from the level below.
				br = ubifs_idx_branch(c, idx, j);
				key_write_idx(c, &(*p)->key, &br->key);
				br->lnum = cpu_to_le32(blnum);
				br->offs = cpu_to_le32(boffs);
				br->len = cpu_to_le32(blen);
				 * Step to the next index node on the level
				 * below.
				boffs += ALIGN(blen, 8);
				p += pstep;
			add_idx_node(idx, child_cnt);

	/* Free stuff */
	for (i = 0; i < idx_cnt; i++)

	dbg_msg(1, "zroot is at %d:%d len %d", c->zroot.lnum, c->zroot.offs,

	/* Set the index head */
	c->ihead_lnum = head_lnum;
	c->ihead_offs = ALIGN(head_offs, c->min_io_size);
	dbg_msg(1, "ihead is at %d:%d", c->ihead_lnum, c->ihead_offs);

	/* Flush the last index LEB */
	err = flush_nodes();
	if (err)
		return err;

	return 0;

 * set_gc_lnum - set the LEB number reserved for the garbage collector.
static int set_gc_lnum(void)
	int err;

	c->gc_lnum = head_lnum++;
	err = write_empty_leb(c->gc_lnum);
	if (err)
		return err;
	set_lprops(c->gc_lnum, 0, 0);
	c->lst.empty_lebs += 1;
	return 0;

 * finalize_leb_cnt - now that we know how many LEBs we used.
static int finalize_leb_cnt(void)
	c->leb_cnt = head_lnum;
	if (c->leb_cnt > c->max_leb_cnt)
		/* TODO: in this case it segfaults because buffer overruns - we
		 * somewhere allocate smaller buffers - fix */
		return err_msg("max_leb_cnt too low (%d needed)", c->leb_cnt);
	c->main_lebs = c->leb_cnt - c->main_first;
	if (verbose) {
		printf("\tsuper lebs:   %d\n", UBIFS_SB_LEBS);
		printf("\tmaster lebs:  %d\n", UBIFS_MST_LEBS);
		printf("\tlog_lebs:     %d\n", c->log_lebs);
		printf("\tlpt_lebs:     %d\n", c->lpt_lebs);
		printf("\torph_lebs:    %d\n", c->orph_lebs);
		printf("\tmain_lebs:    %d\n", c->main_lebs);
		printf("\tgc lebs:      %d\n", 1);
		printf("\tindex lebs:   %d\n", c->lst.idx_lebs);
		printf("\tleb_cnt:      %d\n", c->leb_cnt);
	dbg_msg(1, "total_free:  %llu", c->lst.total_free);
	dbg_msg(1, "total_dirty: %llu", c->lst.total_dirty);
	dbg_msg(1, "total_used:  %llu", c->lst.total_used);
	dbg_msg(1, "total_dead:  %llu", c->lst.total_dead);
	dbg_msg(1, "total_dark:  %llu", c->lst.total_dark);
	dbg_msg(1, "index size:  %llu", c->old_idx_sz);
	dbg_msg(1, "empty_lebs:  %d", c->lst.empty_lebs);
	return 0;

 * write_super - write the super block.
static int write_super(void)
	struct ubifs_sb_node sup;

	memset(&sup, 0, UBIFS_SB_NODE_SZ);

	sup.ch.node_type  = UBIFS_SB_NODE;
	sup.key_hash      = c->key_hash_type;
	sup.min_io_size   = cpu_to_le32(c->min_io_size);
	sup.leb_size      = cpu_to_le32(c->leb_size);
	sup.leb_cnt       = cpu_to_le32(c->leb_cnt);
	sup.max_leb_cnt   = cpu_to_le32(c->max_leb_cnt);
	sup.max_bud_bytes = cpu_to_le64(c->max_bud_bytes);
	sup.log_lebs      = cpu_to_le32(c->log_lebs);
	sup.lpt_lebs      = cpu_to_le32(c->lpt_lebs);
	sup.orph_lebs     = cpu_to_le32(c->orph_lebs);
	sup.jhead_cnt     = cpu_to_le32(c->jhead_cnt);
	sup.fanout        = cpu_to_le32(c->fanout);
	sup.lsave_cnt     = cpu_to_le32(c->lsave_cnt);
	sup.fmt_version   = cpu_to_le32(UBIFS_FORMAT_VERSION);
	sup.default_compr = cpu_to_le16(c->default_compr);
	sup.time_gran     = cpu_to_le32(DEFAULT_TIME_GRAN);
	if (verbose) {
		char s[40];

		uuid_unparse_upper(sup.uuid, s);
		printf("\tUUID:         %s\n", s);
	if (c->big_lpt)
		sup.flags |= cpu_to_le32(UBIFS_FLG_BIGLPT);

	return write_node(&sup, UBIFS_SB_NODE_SZ, UBIFS_SB_LNUM);

 * write_master - write the master node.
static int write_master(void)
	struct ubifs_mst_node mst;
	int err;

	memset(&mst, 0, UBIFS_MST_NODE_SZ);

	mst.ch.node_type = UBIFS_MST_NODE;
	mst.log_lnum     = cpu_to_le32(UBIFS_LOG_LNUM);
	mst.highest_inum = cpu_to_le64(c->highest_inum);
	mst.cmt_no       = cpu_to_le64(0);
	mst.flags        = cpu_to_le32(UBIFS_MST_NO_ORPHS);
	mst.root_lnum    = cpu_to_le32(c->zroot.lnum);
	mst.root_offs    = cpu_to_le32(c->zroot.offs);
	mst.root_len     = cpu_to_le32(c->zroot.len);
	mst.gc_lnum      = cpu_to_le32(c->gc_lnum);
	mst.ihead_lnum   = cpu_to_le32(c->ihead_lnum);
	mst.ihead_offs   = cpu_to_le32(c->ihead_offs);
	mst.index_size   = cpu_to_le64(c->old_idx_sz);
	mst.lpt_lnum     = cpu_to_le32(c->lpt_lnum);
	mst.lpt_offs     = cpu_to_le32(c->lpt_offs);
	mst.nhead_lnum   = cpu_to_le32(c->nhead_lnum);
	mst.nhead_offs   = cpu_to_le32(c->nhead_offs);
	mst.ltab_lnum    = cpu_to_le32(c->ltab_lnum);
	mst.ltab_offs    = cpu_to_le32(c->ltab_offs);
	mst.lsave_lnum   = cpu_to_le32(c->lsave_lnum);
	mst.lsave_offs   = cpu_to_le32(c->lsave_offs);
	mst.lscan_lnum   = cpu_to_le32(c->lscan_lnum);
	mst.empty_lebs   = cpu_to_le32(c->lst.empty_lebs);
	mst.idx_lebs     = cpu_to_le32(c->lst.idx_lebs);
	mst.total_free   = cpu_to_le64(c->lst.total_free);
	mst.total_dirty  = cpu_to_le64(c->lst.total_dirty);
	mst.total_used   = cpu_to_le64(c->lst.total_used);
	mst.total_dead   = cpu_to_le64(c->lst.total_dead);
	mst.total_dark   = cpu_to_le64(c->lst.total_dark);
	mst.leb_cnt      = cpu_to_le32(c->leb_cnt);

	err = write_node(&mst, UBIFS_MST_NODE_SZ, UBIFS_MST_LNUM);
	if (err)
		return err;

	err = write_node(&mst, UBIFS_MST_NODE_SZ, UBIFS_MST_LNUM + 1);
	if (err)
		return err;

	return 0;

 * write_log - write an empty log.
static int write_log(void)
	struct ubifs_cs_node cs;
	int err, i, lnum;


	cs.ch.node_type = UBIFS_CS_NODE;
	cs.cmt_no = cpu_to_le64(0);

	err = write_node(&cs, UBIFS_CS_NODE_SZ, lnum);
	if (err)
		return err;

	lnum += 1;

	for (i = 1; i < c->log_lebs; i++, lnum++) {
		err = write_empty_leb(lnum);
		if (err)
			return err;

	return 0;

 * write_lpt - write the LEB properties tree.
static int write_lpt(void)
	int err, lnum;

	err = create_lpt(c);
	if (err)
		return err;

	lnum = c->nhead_lnum + 1;
	while (lnum <= c->lpt_last) {
		err = write_empty_leb(lnum++);
		if (err)
			return err;

	return 0;

 * write_orphan_area - write an empty orphan area.
static int write_orphan_area(void)
	int err, i, lnum;

	lnum = UBIFS_LOG_LNUM + c->log_lebs + c->lpt_lebs;
	for (i = 0; i < c->orph_lebs; i++, lnum++) {
		err = write_empty_leb(lnum);
		if (err)
			return err;
	return 0;

 * open_target - open the output file.
static int open_target(void)
	out_fd = open(output, O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_TRUNC,
	if (out_fd == -1)
		return sys_err_msg("cannot create output file '%s'", output);
	return 0;

 * close_target - close the output file.
static int close_target(void)
	if (close(out_fd) == -1)
		return sys_err_msg("cannot close output file '%s'", output);
	return 0;

 * init - initialize things.
static int init(void)
	int err, i, main_lebs, big_lpt = 0, sz;

	c->highest_inum = UBIFS_FIRST_INO;

	c->jhead_cnt = 1;

	main_lebs = c->max_leb_cnt - UBIFS_SB_LEBS - UBIFS_MST_LEBS;
	main_lebs -= c->log_lebs + c->orph_lebs;

	err = calc_dflt_lpt_geom(c, &main_lebs, &big_lpt);
	if (err)
		return err;

	c->main_first = UBIFS_LOG_LNUM + c->log_lebs + c->lpt_lebs +
	head_lnum = c->main_first;
	head_offs = 0;

	c->lpt_first = UBIFS_LOG_LNUM + c->log_lebs;
	c->lpt_last = c->lpt_first + c->lpt_lebs - 1;

	c->lpt = malloc(c->main_lebs * sizeof(struct ubifs_lprops));
	if (!c->lpt)
		return err_msg("unable to allocate LPT");

	c->ltab = malloc(c->lpt_lebs * sizeof(struct ubifs_lprops));
	if (!c->ltab)
		return err_msg("unable to allocate LPT ltab");

	/* Initialize LPT's own lprops */
	for (i = 0; i < c->lpt_lebs; i++) {
		c->ltab[i].free = c->leb_size;
		c->ltab[i].dirty = 0;

	c->dead_wm = ALIGN(MIN_WRITE_SZ, c->min_io_size);
	c->dark_wm = ALIGN(UBIFS_MAX_NODE_SZ, c->min_io_size);
	dbg_msg(1, "dead_wm %d  dark_wm %d", c->dead_wm, c->dark_wm);

	leb_buf = malloc(c->leb_size);
	if (!leb_buf)
		return err_msg("out of memory");

	node_buf = malloc(NODE_BUFFER_SIZE);
	if (!node_buf)
		return err_msg("out of memory");

	block_buf = malloc(UBIFS_BLOCK_SIZE);
	if (!block_buf)
		return err_msg("out of memory");

	sz = sizeof(struct inum_mapping *) * HASH_TABLE_SIZE;
	hash_table = malloc(sz);
	if (!hash_table)
		return err_msg("out of memory");
	memset(hash_table, 0, sz);

	err = init_compression();
	if (err)
		return err;

	return 0;

static void destroy_hash_table(void)
	int i;

	for (i = 0; i < HASH_TABLE_SIZE; i++) {
		struct inum_mapping *im, *q;

		for (im = hash_table[i]; im; ) {
			q = im;
			im = im->next;

 * deinit - deinitialize things.
static void deinit(void)

 * mkfs - make the file system.
 * Each on-flash area has a corresponding function to create it. The order of
 * the functions reflects what information must be known to complete each stage.
 * As a consequence the output file is not written sequentially. No effort has
 * been made to make efficient use of memory or to allow for the possibility of
 * incremental updates to the output file.
static int mkfs(void)
	int err = 0;

	err = init();
	if (err)
		goto out;

	err = write_data();
	if (err)
		goto out;

	err = set_gc_lnum();
	if (err)
		goto out;

	err = write_index();
	if (err)
		goto out;

	err = finalize_leb_cnt();
	if (err)
		goto out;

	err = write_lpt();
	if (err)
		goto out;

	err = write_super();
	if (err)
		goto out;

	err = write_master();
	if (err)
		goto out;

	err = write_log();
	if (err)
		goto out;

	err = write_orphan_area();

	return err;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	int err;

	err = get_options(argc, argv);
	if (err)
		return err;

	err = open_target();
	if (err)
		return err;

	err = mkfs();
	if (err) {
		return err;

	err = close_target();
	if (err)
		return err;

	if (verbose)

	return 0;