/* * Copyright (C) 2017 David Oberhollenzer - sigma star gmbh * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by * the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA. * * Author: David Oberhollenzer <david.oberhollenzer@sigma-star.at> */ #include <getopt.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "lsmtd.h" #define FLAG_SI 0x0001 #define FLAG_BYTES 0x0002 #define FLAG_NO_HEADING 0x0004 #define FLAG_RAW 0x0008 #define FLAG_PAIRS 0x0010 #define FLAG_LIST 0x0020 #define FLAG_JSON 0x0040 #define FLAG_ASCII 0x0080 #define FLAG_NO_UBI 0x0100 #define FLAG_DRYRUN 0x1000 static int flags; static struct column **selected; static size_t num_selected; static size_t max_selected; struct column *sort_by; static const struct option long_opts[] = { { "help", no_argument, NULL, 'h' }, { "version", no_argument, NULL, 'V' }, { "si-units", no_argument, NULL, 'u' }, { "bytes", no_argument, NULL, 'b' }, { "noheadings", no_argument, NULL, 'n' }, { "raw", no_argument, NULL, 'r' }, { "output", required_argument, NULL, 'o' }, { "output-all", no_argument, NULL, 'O' }, { "pairs", no_argument, NULL, 'P' }, { "list", no_argument, NULL, 'l' }, { "json", no_argument, NULL, 'J' }, { "sort", required_argument, NULL, 'x' }, { "ascii", no_argument, NULL, 'i' }, { "no-ubi", no_argument, NULL, 'm' }, { NULL, 0, NULL, 0 }, }; static const char *short_opts = "x:o:OPJlibrumnhV"; static const char *default_cols = "DEVICE,MAJ:MIN,NAME,TYPE,SIZE"; static struct column cols[] = { { "DEVICE", "name of the device node", COL_DEVNAME, COL_DT_STRING, 0 }, { "MAJ:MIN", "major:minor device number", COL_DEVNUM, COL_DT_STRING, 0 }, { "NAME", "device name string", COL_NAME, COL_DT_STRING, 0 }, { "TYPE", "device type", COL_TYPE, COL_DT_STRING, 0 }, { "SIZE", "size of the device", COL_SIZE, COL_DT_SIZE, 0 }, { "EB-SIZE", "erase block size", COL_EBSIZE, COL_DT_SIZE, 0 }, { "EB-COUNT", "number of erase blocks", COL_EBCOUNT, COL_DT_NUMBER, 0 }, { "MIN-IO", "minimum I/O size", COL_MINIO, COL_DT_SIZE, 0 }, { "SUB-SIZE", "subpage size", COL_SUBSIZE, COL_DT_SIZE, 0 }, { "OOB-SIZE", "out of band data size", COL_OOBSIZE, COL_DT_SIZE, 0 }, { "RO", "read-only device", COL_RO, COL_DT_BOOL, 0 }, { "CORRUPTED", "whether an UBI volume is corrupted", COL_CORRUPTED, COL_DT_BOOL, 0 }, { "REGIONS", "number of additional erase regions", COL_REGION, COL_DT_NUMBER, 0 }, { "BB", "whether the MTD device may have bad eraseblocks", COL_BB, COL_DT_BOOL, 0 }, { "MAX-EC", "current highest erase counter value on UBI devices", COL_MAXEC, COL_DT_NUMBER, 0 }, { "FREE", "available bytes on an UBI device or volume", COL_FREE, COL_DT_SIZE, 0 }, { "FREE-LEB", "available LEBs on an UBI device or volume", COL_FREE_LEB, COL_DT_NUMBER, 0 }, { "BAD-COUNT", "number of bad physical eraseblocks", COL_BAD_COUNT, COL_DT_NUMBER, 0 }, { "BAD-RSVD", "number of reserved eraseblocks for bad block handling", COL_BAD_RSVD, COL_DT_NUMBER, 0 }, }; static NORETURN void usage(int status) { FILE *outstream = status == EXIT_SUCCESS ? stdout : stderr; size_t i, len, max_len = 0; fputs( "Usage: "PROGRAM_NAME" [options] [<device> ...]\n\n" "List information about memory technology devices.\n\n" "Options:\n" " -u, --si-units Scale sizes by factors of 1000 instead of 1024\n" " -b, --bytes Print sizes in bytes\n" " -i, --ascii Use ascii characters only\n" " -l, --list Use list output format (default)\n" " -n, --noheadings Don't print a heading\n" " -r, --raw Use raw output format\n" " -P, --pairs Use key=\"value\" output format\n" " -J, --json Use JSON output format\n" " -o, --output <list> Comma separated list of columns to print\n" " -O, --output-all Print all columns\n" " -x, --sort <column> Sort output by <column>\n" " -m, --no-ubi Do not display information about UBI devices/volumes\n" "\n" " -h, --help Display this help text and exit\n" " -V, --version Output version information and exit\n" "\n" "Available columns (for --output, --sort):\n", outstream); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(cols) / sizeof(cols[0]); ++i) { len = strlen(cols[i].name); max_len = len > max_len ? len : max_len; } for (i = 0; i < sizeof(cols) / sizeof(cols[0]); ++i) { fprintf(outstream, " %*s %s\n", (int)max_len, cols[i].name, cols[i].desc); } fputs("\nFor more details see "PROGRAM_NAME"(8).\n", stdout); exit(status); } static NORETURN void version(int status) { common_print_version(); fputs( "Copyright (C) 2017 David Oberhollenzer - sigma star gmbh\n" "License GPLv2: GNU GPL version 2 <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl2.html>.\n" "This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.\n" "There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.\n\n" "Written by David Oberhollenzer.\n", stdout); exit(status); } static struct column *column_by_name(const char *name, size_t len) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(cols) / sizeof(cols[0]); ++i) { if (strncmp(cols[i].name, name, len) != 0) continue; if (strlen(cols[i].name) == len) return cols + i; } return NULL; } static int process_col_list(const char *list) { struct column *col; const char *end; size_t len; if (*list == '+') { ++list; } else { num_selected = 0; } while (*list) { end = strchrnul(list, ','); len = end - list; col = column_by_name(list, len); if (!col) { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown column '%.*s'\n", (int)len, list); return -1; } if (num_selected == max_selected) { max_selected = max_selected ? max_selected * 2 : 10; selected = xrealloc(selected, max_selected * sizeof(*selected)); } selected[num_selected++] = col; list = *end ? end + 1 : end; } return 0; } static void select_all(void) { size_t i; num_selected = sizeof(cols) / sizeof(cols[0]); if (max_selected < num_selected) { max_selected = num_selected; selected = xrealloc(selected, max_selected * sizeof(*selected)); } for (i = 0; i < num_selected; ++i) selected[i] = cols + i; } static void process_args(int argc, char **argv) { int i; process_col_list(default_cols); while (1) { i = getopt_long(argc, argv, short_opts, long_opts, NULL); if (i == -1) break; switch (i) { case 'x': sort_by = column_by_name(optarg, strlen(optarg)); if (!sort_by) { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown column '%s'\n", optarg); goto fail; } break; case 'o': if (process_col_list(optarg) != 0) goto fail; break; case 'O': select_all(); break; case 'i': flags |= FLAG_ASCII; break; case 'J': flags |= FLAG_JSON; break; case 'P': flags |= FLAG_PAIRS; break; case 'l': flags |= FLAG_LIST; break; case 'b': flags |= FLAG_BYTES; break; case 'r': flags |= FLAG_RAW; break; case 'u': flags |= FLAG_SI; break; case 'n': flags |= FLAG_NO_HEADING; break; case 'm': flags |= FLAG_NO_UBI; break; case 'h': usage(EXIT_SUCCESS); case 'V': version(EXIT_SUCCESS); default: usage(EXIT_FAILURE); } } i = flags & (FLAG_LIST|FLAG_PAIRS|FLAG_RAW|FLAG_JSON); if (i & (i - 1)) { fputs(PROGRAM_NAME": these options are mutually exclusive: " "--list --pairs --raw --json\n", stderr); goto fail; } else if (!i) { flags |= FLAG_LIST; } /*if (optind < argc) list_arg = optind;*/ return; fail: fputs("Try `"PROGRAM_NAME" --help` for more information\n\n", stderr); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } static const char *tree_prefix(bool is_last) { if (is_last) return (flags & FLAG_ASCII) ? "`-" : "└─"; return (flags & FLAG_ASCII) ? "|-" : "├─"; } static size_t count_chars(const char *str) { size_t count = 0; while (*str) { if (((*str) & 0xC0) != 0x80) ++count; ++str; } return count; } static void devno_to_string(char *buffer, int major, int minor) { sprintf(buffer, flags & FLAG_LIST ? "%3d:%d" : "%d:%d", major, minor); } static void bool_to_string(char *buffer, int value) { if (flags & FLAG_JSON) strcpy(buffer, value ? "true" : "false"); else strcpy(buffer, value ? "1" : "0"); } static void size_to_string(char *buffer, long long int size) { static const char *bcdmap = "0112334456678899"; static const char *suffix = "KMGTPE"; int scale, idx, i, remainder = 0; if (flags & FLAG_BYTES) { sprintf(buffer, "%lld", size); return; } scale = flags & FLAG_SI ? 1000 : 1024; for (idx = -1; size >= scale && (idx < 0 || suffix[idx]); ++idx) { if (remainder >= (scale / 2)) { remainder = 0; size = (size / scale) + 1; } else { remainder = size % scale; size /= scale; } } i = sprintf(buffer, "%lld", size); remainder = (remainder >> 6) & 0x0F; if (remainder) { buffer[i++] = '.'; buffer[i++] = bcdmap[remainder]; } if (idx >= 0) buffer[i++] = suffix[idx]; buffer[i] = '\0'; } static void print_json_string(const char *value) { static const char *jsonrepl = "nrtfb", *jsonesc = "\n\r\t\f\b"; const char *ptr; fputc('"', stdout); for (; *value; ++value) { ptr = strchr(jsonesc, *value); if (ptr) { fputc('\\', stdout); fputc(jsonrepl[ptr - jsonesc], stdout); } else if (*value == '\\' || *value == '"') { fputc('\\', stdout); fputc(*value, stdout); } else if (isascii(*value) && (iscntrl(*value) || !isprint(*value))) { fprintf(stdout, "\\u%04X", *value); } else { fputc(*value, stdout); } } fputc('"', stdout); } static void print_escaped(const char *value) { while (*value) { if (iscntrl(*value) || !isprint(*value) || *value == '\\' || *value == '"') { fprintf(stdout, "\\x%02X", *(value++)); } else { fputc(*(value++), stdout); } } } static void print_padded(const char *value, bool numeric, size_t width) { size_t i; if (numeric) { fprintf(stdout, "%*s", (int)width, value); } else { for (i = 0; i < width && *value; ++i) { fputc(*(value++), stdout); while (((*value) & 0xC0) == 0x80) fputc(*(value++), stdout); } for (; i < width; ++i) fputc(' ', stdout); } } static void print_column(struct column *col, const char *value, bool is_first, int level) { bool numeric = false; const char *key; size_t colw; if (col->datatype == COL_DT_NUMBER || col->datatype == COL_DT_SIZE || col->datatype == COL_DT_BOOL) { numeric = true; } if (flags & FLAG_JSON) { if ((col->datatype == COL_DT_SIZE) && !(flags & FLAG_BYTES)) numeric = false; if (!is_first) fputs(",\n", stdout); while (level--) fputc('\t', stdout); fputc('"', stdout); for (key = col->name; *key; ++key) fputc(isupper(*key) ? tolower(*key) : *key, stdout); fputs("\": ", stdout); if (numeric) { fputs(value, stdout); } else { print_json_string(value); } } else if (flags & FLAG_DRYRUN) { colw = count_chars(value); col->width = colw > col->width ? colw : col->width; } else if (flags & FLAG_PAIRS) { if (!is_first) fputc(' ', stdout); fprintf(stdout, "%s=\"", col->name); print_escaped(value); fputs("\"", stdout); } else if (flags & FLAG_RAW) { if (!is_first) fputc(' ', stdout); print_escaped(value); } else if (flags & FLAG_LIST) { if (!is_first) fputc(' ', stdout); print_padded(value, numeric, col->width); } } static size_t print_mtd_device(struct mtd_dev_info *info) { size_t i, count = 0; const char *value; char buffer[128]; for (i = 0; i < num_selected; ++i) { value = buffer; switch (selected[i]->type) { case COL_DEVNAME: sprintf(buffer, "mtd%d", info->mtd_num); break; case COL_DEVNUM: devno_to_string(buffer, info->major, info->minor); break; case COL_TYPE: value = info->type_str; break; case COL_NAME: value = info->name; break; case COL_SIZE: size_to_string(buffer, info->size); break; case COL_EBSIZE: size_to_string(buffer, info->eb_size); break; case COL_EBCOUNT: sprintf(buffer, "%d", info->eb_cnt); break; case COL_MINIO: size_to_string(buffer, info->min_io_size); break; case COL_SUBSIZE: size_to_string(buffer, info->subpage_size); break; case COL_OOBSIZE: size_to_string(buffer, info->oob_size); break; case COL_RO: bool_to_string(buffer, !info->writable); break; case COL_BB: bool_to_string(buffer, !info->bb_allowed); break; case COL_REGION: sprintf(buffer, "%d", info->region_cnt); break; default: if (flags & FLAG_JSON) continue; buffer[0] = '\0'; break; } print_column(selected[i], value, i == 0, 2); ++count; } return count; } static size_t print_ubi_device(struct mtd_dev_info *mtd, struct ubi_dev_info *info) { size_t i, count = 0; char value[128]; for (i = 0; i < num_selected; ++i) { switch (selected[i]->type) { case COL_DEVNAME: if (flags & FLAG_LIST) { sprintf(value, "%subi%d", tree_prefix(true), info->dev_num); } else { sprintf(value, "ubi%d", info->dev_num); } break; case COL_DEVNUM: devno_to_string(value, info->major, info->minor); break; case COL_SIZE: size_to_string(value, info->total_bytes); break; case COL_EBSIZE: size_to_string(value, info->leb_size); break; case COL_EBCOUNT: sprintf(value, "%d", info->total_lebs); break; case COL_MINIO: size_to_string(value, info->min_io_size); break; case COL_MAXEC: sprintf(value, "%lld", info->max_ec); break; case COL_FREE: size_to_string(value, info->avail_bytes); break; case COL_FREE_LEB: sprintf(value, "%d", info->avail_lebs); break; case COL_BAD_COUNT: sprintf(value, "%d", info->bad_count); break; case COL_BAD_RSVD: sprintf(value, "%d", info->bad_rsvd); break; case COL_RO: bool_to_string(value, !mtd->writable); break; default: if (flags & FLAG_JSON) continue; value[0] = '\0'; break; } print_column(selected[i], value, i == 0, 3); ++count; } return count; } static size_t print_ubi_vol(struct mtd_dev_info *mtd, struct ubi_dev_info *dev, struct ubi_vol_info *info, bool is_last) { size_t i, count = 0; const char *value; char buffer[128]; int used; for (i = 0; i < num_selected; ++i) { value = buffer; switch (selected[i]->type) { case COL_DEVNAME: if (flags & FLAG_LIST) { sprintf(buffer, " %subi%d_%d", tree_prefix(is_last), info->dev_num, info->vol_id); } else { sprintf(buffer, "ubi%d_%d", info->dev_num, info->vol_id); } break; case COL_DEVNUM: devno_to_string(buffer, info->major, info->minor); break; case COL_TYPE: if (info->type == UBI_DYNAMIC_VOLUME) { value = "dynamic"; } else { value = "static"; } break; case COL_NAME: value = info->name; break; case COL_SIZE: size_to_string(buffer, info->rsvd_bytes); break; case COL_EBSIZE: size_to_string(buffer, info->leb_size); break; case COL_EBCOUNT: sprintf(buffer, "%d", info->rsvd_lebs); break; case COL_MINIO: size_to_string(buffer, dev->min_io_size); break; case COL_FREE: size_to_string(buffer, info->rsvd_bytes - info->data_bytes); break; case COL_FREE_LEB: used = info->data_bytes / info->leb_size; sprintf(buffer, "%d", info->rsvd_lebs - used); break; case COL_RO: bool_to_string(buffer, !mtd->writable); break; case COL_CORRUPTED: bool_to_string(buffer, info->corrupted); break; default: if (flags & FLAG_JSON) continue; buffer[0] = '\0'; break; } print_column(selected[i], value, i == 0, 4); ++count; } return count; } static void print_list(void) { struct ubi_node *ubi; bool is_last; size_t i; int j; if (!(flags & FLAG_NO_HEADING)) { if (flags & (FLAG_DRYRUN | FLAG_RAW)) { for (i = 0; i < num_selected; ++i) selected[i]->width = strlen(selected[i]->name); } if (!(flags & FLAG_DRYRUN)) { for (i = 0; i < num_selected; ++i) { fprintf(stdout, "%-*s ", (int)selected[i]->width, selected[i]->name); } fputc('\n', stdout); } } for (i = 0; i < num_mtd_devices; ++i) { print_mtd_device(&mtd_dev[i].info); if (!(flags & FLAG_DRYRUN)) fputc('\n', stdout); ubi = mtd_dev[i].ubi; if (!ubi) continue; print_ubi_device(&mtd_dev[i].info, &ubi->info); if (!(flags & FLAG_DRYRUN)) fputc('\n', stdout); for (j = 0; j < ubi->info.vol_count; ++j) { is_last = (j == (ubi->info.vol_count - 1)); print_ubi_vol(&mtd_dev[i].info, &ubi->info, ubi->vol_info + j, is_last); if (!(flags & FLAG_DRYRUN)) fputc('\n', stdout); } } } static void print_pairs(void) { struct ubi_node *ubi; int i, j; for (i = 0; i < num_mtd_devices; ++i) { print_mtd_device(&mtd_dev[i].info); fputc('\n', stdout); ubi = mtd_dev[i].ubi; if (ubi) { print_ubi_device(&mtd_dev[i].info, &ubi->info); fputc('\n', stdout); for (j = 0; j < ubi->info.vol_count; ++j) { print_ubi_vol(&mtd_dev[i].info, &ubi->info, ubi->vol_info + j, false); fputc('\n', stdout); } } } } static void print_json(void) { struct ubi_node *ubi; int i, j; fputs("{\n\t\"mtddevices\": [", stdout); for (i = 0; i < num_mtd_devices; ++i) { fputs(i ? ",{\n" : "{\n", stdout); if (print_mtd_device(&mtd_dev[i].info) > 0) fputs(",\n", stdout); ubi = mtd_dev[i].ubi; if (ubi) { fputs("\t\t\"ubi\": {\n", stdout); if (print_ubi_device(&mtd_dev[i].info, &ubi->info) > 0) fputs(",\n", stdout); fputs("\t\t\t\"volumes\": [", stdout); for (j = 0; j < ubi->info.vol_count; ++j) { fputs(j ? ",{\n" : "{\n", stdout); print_ubi_vol(&mtd_dev[i].info, &ubi->info, ubi->vol_info + j, false); fputs("\n\t\t\t}", stdout); } fputs("]\n\t\t}\n", stdout); } else if (!(flags & FLAG_NO_UBI)) { fputs("\t\t\"ubi\": null\n", stdout); } fputs("\t}", stdout); } fputs("]\n}\n", stdout); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int ret, status = EXIT_FAILURE; libmtd_t lib_mtd; libubi_t lib_ubi; process_args(argc, argv); lib_mtd = libmtd_open(); if (lib_mtd) { ret = scan_mtd(lib_mtd); libmtd_close(lib_mtd); if (ret) goto out; } else { if (errno) { perror("libmtd_open"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } if (!(flags & FLAG_NO_UBI)) { lib_ubi = libubi_open(); if (lib_ubi) { ret = scan_ubi(lib_ubi); libubi_close(lib_ubi); if (ret) goto out; } else if (errno) { perror("libubi_open"); goto out; } } if (flags & FLAG_JSON) { print_json(); } else if (flags & FLAG_PAIRS) { print_pairs(); } else { flags |= FLAG_DRYRUN; print_list(); flags &= ~FLAG_DRYRUN; print_list(); } status = EXIT_SUCCESS; out: scan_free(); free(selected); return status; }