# # NOTE! Don't add files that are generated in specific # subdirectories here. Add them in the ".gitignore" file # in that subdirectory instead. # # Normal rules # .* *.gdb *.o *.a *.s *.ko *.so *.mod.c *~ # # Our programs # /doc_loadbios /docfdisk /flash_erase /flash_info /flash_lock /flash_otp_dump /flash_otp_info /flash_unlock /flashcp /ftl_check /ftl_format /jffs2dump /mkfs.jffs2 /mtd_debug /nanddump /nandtest /nandwrite /nftl_format /nftldump /recv_image /rfddump /rfdformat /serve_image /sumtool # # Top-level generic files # # # git files that we don't want to ignore even it they are dot-files # !.gitignore # # Generated include files # /include/version.h # stgit generated dirs patches-* *.patch # cscope files cscope.* ncscope.*